SocialEngine NULLED

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Чистая установка
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

обновление до 4,5

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  • #2
Good news everyone! We recently released SocialEngine PHP 4.8 with feature updates and bug fixes. Following are the notes for the SocialEngine PHP 4.8.0 release:


  • Option to hide subscription plans for users after they sign up
  • Upgraded Zend Framework to v1.12.3
  • Improved the robustness of the email queue
  • Improved compatibility with older FFMpeg versions
  • Added bot sign-up mitigation
Bugs fixed:

  • Polls search options
  • Archive_Tar compatibility problems with PHP v5.5
  • JavaScript injection in the photo albums
  • Some PHP warnings
  • PayPal gateway testing function
  • Quote button in the forum
  • Forum search input placeholder
  • Forum deletion problem
  • Profile-Friends widget problem
  • Image preview size for mobile
  • Video module and SSL
  • Double announcements
  • 404 for /widget
  • Added missing phrases to the translation files
  • Twitter API changes
  • Music sharing in the Activity Feed
  • ReCaptcha for SSL
  • Facebook/Twitter/Janrain sign in redirection
  • Notifications bug when sharing music on the Activity Feed
  • ReCaptcha for sign ins
  • Inbox/notifications breaking after disabling modules
SocialEngine clients can grab the new SE PHP 4.8.0 code from the client area. Remember to make a *complete* backup of your installation before performing an upgrade. If you’ve made significant custom changes to your source code, remember that they could pose problems during the upgrade process, so enlist a developer to help you if you’re not comfortable with the process yourself.

Reminder, please submit any feature or bug requests for SE PHP to our public bug and feature request tracker.

I want to thank everyone for their continued enthusiasm for the future SocialEngine.

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!


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  • #3
Все плагины к версии 4.8.3, так же обновление до 4.8.3 и установка с нуля 4.8.3


    839,6 KB · Просмотры: 29
    3,8 MB · Просмотры: 26
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  • #4
Полностью зануленная сборка со стандартными плагинами.
Файл Social Engine Upgrade скачивайте в случае перехода со старой версии.

  • Added ability to upload photos on mobile
  • Added ability to upload videos on mobile
  • Made video player choose HTML5 if available with fall back to Flash
  • Increased the size of url slugs to 64 characters
  • Improved the way translation is optimized
  • Added reverse-chronological comment sorting
  • Added image upload to more areas
  • News feed form attachment links no longer change order
  • Fixed error handling with homepage (feed style) uploads
  • Fixed autocomplete for the “To” field in messages
  • “Send Message” no longer appears for if messages to a member level are restricted for mobile
  • Improved SSL detection and use
  • Found the graphics for file manager (in certain cases they were missing)
Social Engine 4.8.5
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Social Engine Upgrade
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

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  • #5

  • Fixed bug with Re-Captcha when SSL is enabled
  • Corrected order of forum posts added by Ning Importer. Fixes #2505.
  • Fixed bug with adding link to a wall post where image selector was not being displayed.
  • Background Mailer Task will run better now and not hang. Fixes #2476.
  • Fixed bug where the respective profile field column in field search table was not getting deleted after the deletion of a profile field. Fixes #2437.
  • Fixed social network mapping issue when multiple social networks are chosen during signup.
  • Fixed bug with menu editor where any custom menu added to Member Edit Profile Navigation was redirecting to Browse Members page.
  • Fixed an error showing in the log that would be generated when changing the order of photos in an album
  • Fixed bug where bullets added via TinyMCE Editor were not being displayed in blogs.
  • Fixed a bug in discussions under Events and Groups where page UI was getting affected in certain cases because of HTML tags not closing after truncation.
A note on upgrading

Please do a complete backup of both the files and the database before initiating upgrade. If you have opened a support ticket and were given a code change that was applied to some of your files, take extra care to ensure that those are still correctly applied, or contact support and we’ll be able to re-apply them. Please get a developer to help you if you’re not comfortable with the process yourself. We do have an upgrade service available for $150 which you can purchase from our Client Store.


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  • #6
SocialEngine 4- 4.8.7 Full Install (Retail-Untouched) + Upgrade Package (Retail-Untouched)

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

Ключик для установки
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
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  • #7
Модули SocialEngine 4.8.7


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  • #8


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  • #9
SocialEngine 4.8.8 Change Log:
  • index.php - Resolved notice of E_DEPRECATED appearing on websites having PHP version less than 5.3.0.
  • application/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version and improved text to mark Multi-byte String (mbstring) extension check as required.
  • install/config/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • install/controllers/InstallController.php - Improved text to mark Multi-byte String (mbstring) extension check as required.
  • application/libraries/Scaffold/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/libraries/Scaffold/libraries/Scaffold/modules/ScanInclude/ScanInclude.php - Fixed issue with CSS of disabled modules that was being loaded on windows based server..
  • application/libraries/Scaffold/libraries/Scaffold/Scaffold.php - Resolved notice of E_DEPRECATED appearing on websites having PHP version less than 5.3.0.
  • application/modules/Activity/controllers/IndexController.php - Fixed issue where users are unable to like comments on certain activity feed posts.
  • application/modules/Activity/Model/Action.php - Fixed issues where users are unable to like comments on certain activity feed posts and posts without attachments are not appearing on user / content profile.
  • application/modules/Activity/Model/Helper/Var.php - Fixed issue with the translation of content sharing feed's text.
  • application/modules/Activity/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Activity/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Activity/views/scripts/_activityComments.tpl - Fixed issue where users are unable to like comments on certain activity feed posts.
  • application/modules/Activity/views/scripts/_activityText.tpl - Fixed issues where users are unable to like comments on certain activity feed posts and duplicacy of photo caption in activity feed when status is updated along with a photo.
  • application/modules/Core/Bootstrap.php - Resolved notice of E_DEPRECATED appearing on websites having PHP version less than 5.3.0.
  • application/modules/Core/Controller/Action/Admin.php - Fixed issue with PHP array file not being generated properly.
  • application/modules/Core/Model/Link.php - Removed unnecessary "comments" and "likes" methods.
  • application/modules/Core/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Core/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
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  • #10
С радостью сообщаем, что выпущен долгожданный релиз SocialEngine PHP 4.8.9. Мы сделали много важных изменений и улучшений, в том числе исправление проблем, связанных с Facebook и YouTube после обновления API. Ознакомиться с полным списком изменений и подробной информацией об исправлениях, сделанных в этом выпуске, Вы можете в приложенном файле в архиве обновления. Для обновления используйте встроенный менеджер обновлений.

Внимание! Пожалуйста, не забудьте сделать полную резервную копию файлов и базы данных перед обновлением до крайней версии, а так же убедитесь о совместимости с актуальной версией, при использовании дополнений сторонних разработчиков. Если Вы по каким-либо причинам не сможете сделать резервную копию и провести установку или обновление самостоятельно, мы будем рады помочь Вам. Просто свяжитесь с нами по указанным на сайте контактам.

Выражаем благодарность активным пользователям за помощь в улучшении данного выпуска, несколько исправлений были сделаны благодаря вам. Мы будем информировать вас о будущих планах по улучшению Social Engine!

index.php - Renamed constant "_ENGINE_ADMIN_NEUTER" to "_ENGINE_ADMIN_NEUTER_MODE" and set HTTP code to "503 Service unavailable" when the site is in maintenance mode.
application/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
install/config/manifest.php - Incremented version.
install/import/JsonAbstract.php - Updated Ning Importer tool fixing multiple issues.
install/import/Ning/* - Updated Ning Importer tool fixing multiple issues.
install/import/Ning/Activities.php - Added.
install/import/Ning/BlogComments.php - Added.
install/import/Ning/CoreContent.php - Added.
install/import/Ning/CorePages.php - Added.
install/views/scripts/import/ning-instructions.tpl - Updated URL of "Ning Archive Tool" to point to correct KB article.
application/libraries/Engine/Date.php - Added.
application/libraries/Engine/Image.php - Added autoRotate method.
application/libraries/Engine/manifest.php - Incremented version.
application/libraries/Engine/String.php - Added slug method.
application/libraries/Engine/View/Helper/ViewMore.php - Allowed multiple line breaks in comments.
application/modules/Activity/Model/Action.php - Fixed an issue where a few activity feeds on the "Member Home Page" sometimes appeared missing.
application/modules/Activity/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
application/modules/Activity/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
application/modules/Core/Controller/Action/Admin.php - Fixed issue with "Translation Performance" setting not getting saved in a few cases.
application/modules/Core/controllers/AdminSettingsController.php - Hide values in admin form when _ENGINE_ADMIN_NEUTER mode is enabled.
application/modules/Core/controllers/PagesController.php - Fixed issue where custom pages having hyphen(-) in their URLs were not working fine.
application/modules/Core/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
application/modules/Core/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
application/modules/Core/views/scripts/admin-themes/index.tpl - Disabled "Activate Theme" button when _ENGINE_ADMIN_NEUTER mode is enabled.
application/modules/Core/widgets/admin-statistics/index.tpl - Hide license key in administration when _ENGINE_ADMIN_NEUTER mode is enabled..
application/modules/Core/Bootstrap.php - Added method: _initAdminNeuter.
application/modules/Core/externals/styles/admin/main.css - Increased the width of Layout Editor's "Page Block Placement" area for better accessibility in administration.
application/modules/Payment/controllers/AdminGatewayController.php - Hide values in admin form when _ENGINE_ADMIN_NEUTER mode is enabled.
application/modules/Payment/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
application/modules/Payment/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
application/modules/Storage/controllers/AdminServicesController.php - Redirected users to "Manage Storage Services" when "Edit Storage Service" is accessed and _ENGINE_ADMIN_NEUTER mode is enabled.
application/modules/Storage/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
application/modules/Storage/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
application/modules/User/controllers/AuthController.php - Fixed compatibility issue with "Facebook Integration" that appeared because of Facebook deprecating their "offline_access" permission.
application/modules/User/controllers/AdminSettingsController.php - Hide keys of Facebook and Twitter when _ENGINE_ADMIN_NEUTER mode is enabled..
application/modules/User/Form/Signup/Account.php - Fixed issue with "Name" field of Signup form that was conflicting with another form's Name field when existing on same page.
application/modules/User/Model/User.php - Fixed an issue that caused photos getting turned sideways when captured and uploaded from a few android and iOS devices.
application/modules/User/Plugin/Signup/Account.php - Fixed issue where incorrect timezone was being displayed in email that goes to site admin on every new signup.
application/modules/User/Plugin/Signup/Photo.php - Fixed an issue that caused photos getting turned sideways when captured and uploaded from a few android and iOS devices.
application/modules/User/Plugin/Core.php - Fixed issue with newly registered members getting two emails: "Welcome email" and "Welcome email with Password".
application/modules/User/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
application/modules/User/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
application/modules/User/views/scripts/signup/form/account.tpl - Fixed issue with "Name" field of Signup form that was conflicting with another form's Name field when existing on same page.
application/modules/User/views/scripts/_formSignupImage.tpl - Fixed javascript error.
application/modules/User/widgets/home-photo/Controller.php - Fixed log error while accessing Albums section being a non-logged-in user.

Social Engine PHP 4.8.9 Albums Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.7 Blogs Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.8 Chat & IM Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.9 Classifieds Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.9 Events Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.7 Forum Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.9 Groups Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.9 Music Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.0 Polls Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.9 Video Plugin
Social Engine PHP 4.8.9 Mobile Plugin

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
А есть какие-то более, скажем так, красивые альтернативы?
И еще вопрос: это nulled-версия? Я хотел бы потестить перед покупкой.
Последнее редактирование:
ето обновлениия или чистая установка(с нуля)?
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  • #13
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  • #15
SocialEngine 4.8.10 Change Log:
Install и обновление скачать:

Modules-4.8.10 (Retail)
Blog 4.8.10
Classified 4.8.10
Event 4.8.10
Forum 4.8.10
Group 4.8.10
Video 4.8.10

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  • #16

  • Fixed iconv_set_encoding warnings with PHP version 5.6. Fixes #17 and #347.
  • Updated text to support APCu Extension for PHP versions > 5.6.
  • Fixed fatal error with PHP version 7: “break†not in the “loop†or “switch†context. Fixes #409.
  • Fixed issue with APC and Memcache caching options throwing an error when enabled while respective extensions are not installed on server.
  • Added CSRF token field in admin’s member edit form to address a security vulnerability.
  • Updated Video, Poll, Album and Classified modules to address security vulnerabilities.
  • Made individual more secure by setting unique salt for generating CSRF tokens.
  • Fixed issue with newly registered members receiving two welcome emails.
  • Added a setting for admin to enable/disable sending a welcome email when users are enabled from admin panel.
  • Retrieve more user info (first name, last name, birthday and profile photo) from Facebook API during sign up via Fconnect.
  • Fixed issue with FConnect button not appearing on page after user unchecks the checkbox to dis-integrate facebook account and saves settings. Fixes #318.
  • Fixed error being thrown when user tries to connect FB account that already belongs to another User. We now display a warning.
  • Added Google Plus entry in Janrain integration.
  • Removed TLD validation from email field in admin account creation form. Fixes #344.
  • Removed weather widget due to unavailability of API’s free tier.
  • Fixed screen jumping issue with textarea while typing long content. Fixes #403.
  • Removed “Show this page in search results†checkbox in Layout Editor’s page when editing non-custom pages.
  • Removed Title field from Tab Container widget.
  • Fixed ‘There is already an active transaction’ error that was appearing during signup when using pdo_mysql as database adapter.
  • Fixed issue with default value of Locale field during signup not being set as per the default locale set from admin panel.
  • Removed “Admin Settings†link on Member Profile page for member levels who are not allowed to access admin panel.
  • Updated KB article link in Facebook Integration Settings.
  • Fixed issue with Forum Topics’ Title containing quotation marks. Fixes #340.
  • Fixed incorrect links of Topic and Post in activity notifications. Fixes #391.
Changelog: You can also browse the complete changelog for more details about the changes and fixes implemented in SocialEngine PHP 4.8.11.

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  • #17
SocialEngine 4.8.12 Change Log:
  • externals/open-flash-chart/externals/open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf - Fixed an issue with potential cross-site scripting (XSS) security vulnerability.
  • externals/open-flash-chart/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/libraries/Engine/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/libraries/Engine/Application.php - Replaced iconv_set_encoding with ini_set for PHP version 5.6+ to eliminate PHP warnings appearing in server logs.
  • application/libraries/Engine/Db/Table/Row.php - Added methods: getModifiedFieldsName() and getCleanData().
  • application/libraries/Engine/IP.php - Added code to validate IP Address.
  • application/modules/Activity/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Activity/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Activity/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Activity/Model/Helper/Item.php - Fixed issue with members' display names being needlessly translated in activity feeds.
  • application/modules/Core/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Core/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Core/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Core/Model/Tag.php - Stripped tags form tag text to fix a security vulnerability.
  • application/modules/Fields/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Fields/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Fields/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Fields/Form/Standard.php - Added an Event: onFieldsValuesSaveBefore.
  • application/modules/Fields/Model/DbTable/Search.php - Fixed a "Duplicate column name" error that was appearing when editing a profile field just after its creation from admin.
  • application/modules/Messages/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Messages/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Messages/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Messages/Form/Compose.php - Fixed log error: "Undefined variable: user".
  • application/modules/User/controllers/FriendsController.php - Added code to make name of hash element unique and fixed a token error appearing after right clicking on Friend Request link from user profile page.
  • application/modules/User/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/User/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/User/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/User/views/scripts/friends/request-follow.tpl - Added hash token value.
  • application/modules/User/views/scripts/friends/request-friend.tpl - Added hash token value.
  • application/modules/User/Form/Friends.php - Added code to make name of hash element unique.
  • application/modules/User/Form/Friends/* - Added code to make name of hash element unique.
  • application/modules/User/Form/Signup/Account.php - Added an Event: onCheckBannedEmail.
Blog 4.8.12
  • application/modules/Blog/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Blog/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Blog/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Blog/widgets/gutter-search/index.tpl - Escaped parameters in output of blog search.
  • application/modules/Blog/Form/Create.php - Added StripTags filter in tag field to fix a security issue.
Event 4.8.12
  • application/modules/Event/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Event/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Event/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Event/Form/Create.php - Fixed security vulnerability issues with "Host" and "Location" fields by adding StripTags filter.
  • application/modules/Event/Form/Topic/Create.php - Fixed log error "Undefined variable: user".
  • application/modules/Event/Model/DbTable/Events.php - Added prepared statement in SQL query for full text search.
Group 4.8.12
  • application/modules/Group/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Group/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Group/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Group/Form/Topic/Create.php - Fixed log error "Undefined variable: user".
  • application/modules/Group/Model/DbTable/Groups.php - Added prepared statement in SQL query for full text search.
Video 4.8.12
  • application/modules/Video/settings/changelog.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Video/settings/manifest.php - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Video/settings/my.sql - Incremented version.
  • application/modules/Video/Form/Edit.php - Added StripTags filter in tag field to fix a security issue.
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  • #18
Работоспособность и версии не проверял - как получил, так и отдаю.
Кому интересно пробуйте, в коментах пишите работает или нет.
AAC Trackback Submitter 6

ActiveCampaign E-mail Marketing

Adsense Goldmine 3.3

AdText Generator 2.2.6

Advanced Emailer 6.8


Amaniche 3.0

AMember Pro 4.1.2

Answer Analyst 1.443

Answer Eye Pro 13

Article Bot 2.0

Article Marketing Robot 1.0.92

Article Spinner

Article Submitter v2.0

Artisteer v3.0.0.35414+ v3.1.0.48375

Authority Blog Commenter

Authority PRO 2.3

Auto Blog Samurai Pro

Auto Hide IP v5.0.8.6

Auto Social Poster v3.90

Automated Webinar Generator

AutoPligg 6.0.18 Lasted

Autopress 1.0.9

Backlink Booster

Backlink Energizer 1.6

Backlink Power Indexer

Backlink Profit Monster

Backlink Skyrocket

Backlink Speed 1.1

Backup Buddy

Backup Creator

BlackHat Viral WP Plugin

Blog Bot 1.0


BookmarkingDemon v5.6.1.3 Working

Brute Force SEO EVO2

1 Click Cash Bot

Camtasia Studio 7.1.0

Captcha Sniper 1.5

Classipress 3.1.5

Clickbump Seo

Comment Ninja 0.6

Comment Scrape Boss

Content Mania

Content Revenge 2.0.6

Content Samurai

Content Solution.V2

CouponPress 6.2.2

CPA Blaster.191

CTR Theme 1.4.15

Digi Article Blaster

Digi Auto Links 2.1.5

Digi Exit Pop

Digi Launchpad 1.3

Digi Link Doctor 1.3.1

Digi List Builder 1.6

Digi Social Squeeze 1.1

Digi Traffic Mulitplier 1.5.2

Digital Product Demon

Directory Submitter 4.0

DoFellow SEO

Domain Name Dominator

Easy Azon

Easy Redirect v4.0. Link Cloaking Script - Nulled

Easy Video Player 2.2 Commercial Nulled

Easy Webinar Plugin

Easy WP Seo 1.62

ECrawl 2.6.0

Email Search Crawler 2.75

Email Sender Deluxe 2.28

Exit Splash

Exit Splash 2.2.5 For WP

Extreme Wiki Poster 1.3.4

Ez Fanpage Generator 2.02.05

EZ WPcloner

Facebook Blaster 9.0.3 Pro + v10 Pro

Facebook iFrame PRO

Fake Hits Generator 2.0

FB Like Jacker 0.10

FB Like Viral 1.2.1


Flex Squeeze 1.50

Forum Poster 3.30

Forumbot 2.6

Get Article Pro

Ghost CPA

Gigsterr Bot

Godaddy Auctions PR Checker

Google Adsense Accelerator

Google Plus Domination


Gravity Forms 1.63 + 1.64

GSA Email Spider 5.30

HeatMap Theme Pro V5

HMA Proxy Grabber 2.0

Hotmail Account Creator

IBP 11.9.1 Bussiness Edition

IgniteSEO 3.3.0

IM PowerSuite

IM Slave Link Blaster 1.1

iMacros 7.51 Portable

Instant Article Wizard

Instant Backlink Magic 1.5

Instant Social Anarchy 1.5

Instant Video Articles

Interspire Email Marketer 6.1.0 Ultimate

Interspire Email Marketer 6.1.2 Nulled

Interspire Shopping Cart Ultimate v6.1.8

iPhorm 1.3.5

JakoDorgen Pro

JitBit Help Desk

Keyword Elite 2.0.18

Keyword Fighter 4.0

Keyword Ninja

Keyword Prodigy


KeywordSnatcher 1.2.1

Kontent Bot

Link Automatic Standard v1.1

Link Farm Evolution 1.85 + 1.87 + 1.92

Link Thunder

Live Email Verifier Professional 6.0

MachForm 2.4

MagicMembers Unlimited v1.5.23 + MagicKicker V1

Market Samurai Lasted

Mass Link Poster

Mass Video Blaster 1.86

Maxprog eMail Extractor v3.5

Member Speed

MemberWing-X V6.554 Nulled

Micro Cash Machines

Micro Niche Finder 5.5.7

Miracle Traffic Bot

MoviePress Plugins 2

MyReviewPlugin 5.0.4247

MyVideoBlog V3.2.94 PRO Edition

Niche Site BUILDER

No Hands SEO v1.7.6.0

Omni Secure Membership Software 7.0.1 Deluxe Nulled

OnlyWire Account Creator

OptimizePress 1.45

PageLines Framework 2.1

Pin Presser All 3 Version

Pingback Optimizer 2.8 + 3.7 Nulled

PingFM Poster

Pinpal Bot. + 3.0.61


Plus One Profits WP Plugin

Popup domination 3.0 All

Power Directory Submitter with 9k Directories


Profits Theme 1.16




Unknown Any SEO Product Start with Q word

Rank Builder 2.9.94

Roboform Enterprise

RSS Link Bomber 2.1.14


Scrapebox Scheduler

SE Sniper 1.5

SecureDL 1.4.2

SenukeX 2.5.18 Working 100%

SenukeX Bio Spinner v2


SEO Link Robot 2.2

SEO Power Suite Pro + Enterprise

seo Pressor 4.3.09

SEO Studio Enterprise Edition 2.04.30

Sick Submitter.3.123 + Elgg Submitter 2012

SliQ.Submitter.Plus. with 5K Directories

Snagit 10.0.0

Social Backlinker Pro

Social Bot

SocialEngine v4.2.3 Nulled with Plugin

Socrates Theme 2.2.15

Squeeze Boss WP

Stealth Keyword Digger 1.3

The Action Machine 3

The Best Spinner 2.9

The Shortcode Kid Unlimited License


Traffic Player Pro

Traffic Travis 4.1.100 PRO

Tube Toolbox




Tweet Adder

Tweet Attacks Pro


Twitter Blaster Pro v3.01

Twitter User Scraper


uBot Studio v.3

Ultimate Comment Scraper

Unlimited Sitemap Generator

Venom SEO 1.1.5

Video Marketing Blaster

Video Web Wizard 2.0



VIP Help Desk 3

VIP Shopping Cart 4.0

Web Traffic Genius Pro 3.6.21


WikiNuke 1.07.AllProduct.with34K

WinAutomation v3.1.6.676-iNViSiBLE

WishList Member v2.60.962 WP

WordTwit Pro Unlimited

WP Classifiedstheme 6.3.2

WP Clicks 1.25

WP Cloaker

WP Contact Pro

WP Coupon Generator

WP eMember 7.4.1

WP FacePages 3.7

WP FanPro 2.0.3

WP Manager DX

WP Member Champ

WP Multilingual Plugin CMS v2.4.1

WP Pop Wizard Developer nulled

WP ReviewStars Premium

WP Robot 3.60 + 3.62

WP Seo Domination v1.4

WP Seo Ninja

WP Shareme

WP Short Codes

WP Simplicity

WP SnowBall 1.0.6

WP Social Toolbar Pro 1.2

WP Subscribers 1.40

WP Super Popup Pro 1.25

WP Syndicator 1.72

WP Touch Pro 2.5 + 2.60

WP Traffic Tools

WP Turbo 1.3

WP Tweet Bomb

WP Twin 2.70

WP Unique 2.7

WP Viral Rater3.0.0

WP Zon Builder 2.5b

WPFacePages Developer 3.5 + 3.7

WPsBox Pro

WYSIWYG Web Builder v8.0.1

XFileSharing Pro 1.1 + 1.7 + 1.8+ 1.9 + All Mods NULLED


Xrumer 5.05 Palladium + 7.12 Elite and Hrefer 3.8 Nulled

XsitePro 2.5.1

Yellabot 2.4.03

Zenno Poster Pro 3.6 English Working 100%
а как сделать апдейт с 4.8.11 на 4.8.12?
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