SocialEngine NULLED

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  • photo-albums-4.8.13.tar
    500 KB · Просмотры: 16
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  • Added a new responsive theme “Insignia” along with 6 different color variants. (Fixes #150)
  • Added compatibility with PHP 7.0 and 7.1. (Fixes #186 & #472)
  • Upgraded Zend to to 1.12.20. (Fixes #471)
  • Upgraded to Google’s new reCaptcha. (Fixes #49, #135 and #153)
  • Added a new ‘Vertical’ variant of main menu giving a completely new look to your website.
  • Used font awesome icons everywhere.
  • Improved Social Login buttons in Login/Signup forms. (Fixes #163)
  • Added Redis as an additional Backend Cache support and an option for admin to choose it.
  • Added a new widget “Column Width Modifier” enabling admin to adjust width of any column on a page in layout editor. (Fixes #84 and #160)
  • Added a new widget “Social Site Links Menu” and placed it in Footer section.
  • Added a new widget “Social Share” adding ability for users to share content on other social sites. (Fixes #162)
  • Added a new “Banners” feature using which site admin can place attractive banners with a background image, some catchy headings and a CTA button on any page of website. There is a “Browse Page Banner” available for this.
  • Added an option for admin to set admin titles for HTML blocks placed on the same page for easy identification. (Fixes #161)
  • Made “mobile.css” file available for editing via Theme Editor.
  • Enabled seo friendly content urls with slugs in Albums, Groups and Events plugins. (Fixes #149 and #77)
  • Added “Color Variants” feature for themes.
  • Added user’s photo in mini menu making it look better.
  • Added “Updates” of mini menu to Menu Editor. (Fixes #159, #117 and #97)
  • Added a separate widget for search and placed it in header giving more flexibility for its placement. (Fixes #117)
  • Add more Amazon S3 regions and renamed current region names to match Amazon names listed in their docs.
  • Improved pagination by adding First and Last option in pagination control bar. (Fixes #164)
  • Sorted plugins alphabetically in plugins dropdown at admin panel. (Fixes #157 and #443)
  • Improved Zip Code validation. (Fixes #495)
  • Added “Group Profile Options” widget during installation on Mobile group Profile page.
  • Added support for creating a skeleton of Language, Library and External type packages from package manager.
  • Improved user blocking by (Fixes #356, #221 and #253):
    • Disallowing the blocked users to view content posted by people who blocked them and vice-versa.
    • Not sending notifications to blocked users related to one who blocked them at common places.
    • Fixing issue where a user was able to send message to one who had blocked him.
    • Enabling two way blocking
  • Upgraded TinyMCE library to latest version and improved its implementation in our modules by standardizing it at all instances and doing below things (Fixes #278, #508, #260 and #413):
    • Added Upload Photo option that was missing at a few instances
    • Added browser Spell Checker
    • Added Auto Save feature that will work for 300 min
  • Improvements in the browse pages of these modules: Blogs, Albums, Videos, Classifieds, Music, Events and Groups:
    • Added “like_count” and “comment_count” columns in tables of content based plugins displaying these stats in an attractive manner on respective browse pages.
    • Improved search widget by adding a “Search” button.
    • Added a new Categories side-column widget in all the core plugins where categories exist.
    • Enhanced overall interface of Browse pages of these plugins and Browse Members page too.
    • Added “View All” link in Popular and Recent items widgets of all the core plugins enabling more engagement.
    • Placed banners with attractive default gradient background on browse pages of some of these core plugins during installation.
Activity Feed:

  • Added ability for users to upload multiple photos from activity feed and for admins to control the number that user of a certain member level can upload at a time. (Fixes #142)
  • Added support for ajax based status posting. (Fixes #145)
  • Added ability to edit status posts. (Fixes #143)
  • Added Iframely Integration enabling users share and embed rich content from over 1700 domains on SocialEngine based site. (Fixes #141, #313 and #308)
  • Made “Activity Feed Item Type Settings” section more organized by adding a `Module` based filter. (Fixes #158, #608 and #68)
  • Improved “Shareable” feature allowing admin to choose out of different parts of a feed that can be shared by a user.
  • Added new activity feed items enabling more engagement while (Fixes #319):
    • Liking a content on site.
    • Commenting on another user’s profile.
    • Commenting on another user’s playlist.
  • Did work of grouping feeds in Activity feed.
  • Added better synchronization among comments and also created new activity feeds if comment is made on a feed synchronizing comments. (Fixes #144 and #514)
  • Increased max attachment count for photo upload activity from 8 to 100 fixing inconsistency issue that appeared when more than 8 photos are added to an album. (Fixes #133)
  • Added separate activity feed items for posts on event and group profiles adding more flexibility for admin to choose separate display settings for these and user profile posts. (Fixes #417)

  • Enhanced User Interface of Browse Albums and Album View pages.
  • Added Album preview feature on Album Browse page – hover over an album and get a slideshow of some of the photos contained inside it.
  • Added a setting for admin to choose if default albums (like Message Photos, Blog Photos, etc) should be searchable and displayed in browse pages and multiple widgets on website.
  • Added support for GIF images; made both GD and Imagick libraries support this feature. (Fixes #455 and #165)
  • Add ability to upload files using simple uploader even when Flash is not installed in browser. (Fixes #309 and #128)

  • Added open graph meta tag og:image for video thumbnail enabling image appear for selection while sharing the video view page url on external websites. (Fixes #156)

  • Added event’s photo in Upcoming Events widget.
  • Sorted past events in reverse chronological order adding a new “Recently Ended” Filter in search form. (Fixes #154)

  • Added ability for users to upload a profile image for blogs during creation and editing.

  • Enhanced user interface of Browse Classifieds page

  • Added support for “Add Music” option in mobile.
  • Enhanced interface of Browse Music page.

  • Added tool-bar containing “Insert/edit link” button missing in TINYMCE Editor
Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed issue with Facebook login that appeared recently after some changes were done by Facebook in their API. (Fixes #626)
  • Fixed issue with links shared via activity feed appearing broken while viglink is enabled on site. (Fixes #419)
  • Fixed issue where blog posts were not getting filtered by categories. (Fixes #510)
  • Fixed issue that was appearing on double clicking “Go Offline” icon in the chat window.
  • Fixed issue with Chat container rendered at wrong place on Chat Main page. (Fixes #496)
  • Fixed issue with incorrect email and site notification being sent to user when someone comments on the topic they posted on in forum. (Fixes #499)
  • Fixed issue with visible <p> tags in forum posts when HTML censor is on.
  • Fixed issue with creating a new Profile Type that wouldn’t copy over the options.
  • Fixed issue with “Duplicate Existing Profile-Type” drop-down showing extra fields.
  • Fixed issue with Paypal getting enabled even without filling the API details and then throwing error.
  • Fixed issue with multi-select profile questions appearing in iOS devices. (Fixes #536)
  • Fixed issue with Site Wide Statistics graph getting squished and unreadable at times.
  • Fixed issue with meta information and image not rendering when sharing a non-english url from activity feed.
  • Renamed “Member Type” to “Profile Type” on user profile avoiding confusion between member level and profile type. (Fixes #223)
  • Fixed issue with Host value not getting pre-populated correctly for Memcache after Performance & Caching settings are saved.
  • Fixed the order of items used to build meta title and description tags for all the pages. (Fixes #148)
  • Fixed issue with PHP Arrays not getting created for new language packs when “Translation Performance” setting is enabled.
  • Moved description to appear below the field for profile questions. (Fixes #461)
  • Fixed issue with member level getting degraded immediately after a subscription is cancelled without taking into account the amount already paid for current subscription.
  • Fixed issue with reverse order of menu items being set for mini menu.
  • Fixed issue with displaying ad campaigns that was not working if targeted to be displayed to a specific member level and network. (Fixes #525)
  • Fixes some security vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed an issue with censored words not working when added until clearing the cache
  • Fixed issue with heading profile field getting displayed on profile page even when set to be hidden from admin panel.
  • Fixed issue with inability to disable display of heading profile field on Browse Members Page.
  • Added missing transliteration for cyrillic and other non-western characters in slug. (Fixes #406)
  • Removed “Delete Page” option for core pages in Layout Editor. (Fixes #485)
  • Fixed issue with mail templates having placeholder “[recipient_photo]” making sure it displays an image instead of a link.
  • Fixed issue with deleting the profile photo just after editing thumbnail that was throwing an error. (Fixes #118)
  • Fixed issue with global search not including custom pages created via Layout Editor. (Fixes #547)
  • Fixed issue where activity feed items and mail templates of disabled plugins were being displayed on site. (Fixes #60)
We have so many new features that we actually can’t list everything in this blog post. We will, however, include a link to the changelog where you can see the entire list. Tutorials for how to use the new features are already in our knowledgebase, you can check out the new features on our demo site, or check out this video tour!

You can download your copy of version 4.9 from your client account. To upgrade, please view our upgrade documentation or, if you’d rather we take care of the hard stuff, you can order an upgrade and we’ll do it for you. Fresh installs should follow this installation tutorial or you can order an installation ticket and our team will get it installed in no time!

NOTE: Please make sure that you do a complete backup of both files and database before performing this upgrade. Please have the backup performed by your host or a developer if you’re not comfortable with performing it yourself.

You can also browse the complete changelog for more details about the changes and fixes implemented in this version.

We are very excited to bring you this release! It comes with more than 280 features and bug fixes, approximately 70 of which were reported by our amazing community through our public bugs and suggestions tracker. We want to take a moment to thank you for this. If you find any issues, please let us know by filing a bug report in our Public Bug Tracker or by contacting us here. Lastly we’d like to encourage you to stay connected with the community.

From everyone here at the SocialEngine team, thank you for your enduring support and we really hope you love this update as much as we do!

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  • #24

ixed Issues or Improvements Made:
  • Fixed issue with user privacy for photo album not respecting member level. (Fixes #607)
  • Fixed issue with user profile fields info not being searchable if added before admin made those fields searchable. (Fixes #592)
  • Fixed issue with integer value “5” not getting saved in member level settings of plugins. (Fixes #341)
  • Fixed issue with edit and delete options not working for Event and Group categories.
  • Added APCu support for PHP 7 that was not working in 4.9.
  • Fixed other issues in 4.9 with PHP 7 compatibility.
  • Fixed CSS errors in Bamboo Theme.
  • Fixed issue with uploaded videos not playing. (Fixes #700)
  • Fixed spelling error on create poll page. (Fixes #684)
  • Fixed issue with mobile profile options widget not working. (Fixes #678)
  • Issue: Third party products which were not updated caused SocialEngine default CSS not to load. Solution: We separated our core CSS from 3rd party add-ons so clients have the base theme loaded to get their site running off the bat.

NOTE: Please make sure that you do a complete backup of both files and database before performing this upgrade. Please have the backup performed by your host or a developer if you’re not comfortable with performing it yourself.

You can also browse the complete changelog for more details about the changes and fixes implemented in this version.

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  • #25

We’re back with another release, SocialEngine PHP 4.9.2p1! This minor release addresses some more issues that were reported by clients in our Github and also that our staff found during further testing. We’ve also included some minor improvements to current features. Please be sure to read the special instructions below before upgrading.

Fixed Issues or Improvements Made:

  • Fixed issue with privacy for video browse and videos on profile similar to the photo privacy fixed for 4.9.1.
  • Fixed privacy issue for Email being passed in verification URL. (Fixes #493)
  • Fixed issue where privacy options were not showing on the user profile. (Fixes #713 )
  • Fixed spelling error on the performance caching overview page. (Fixes #694)
  • Fixed TinyMCE editor formatting issue in announcements. (Fixes #669)
  • Fixed TinyMCE and BBCode editor formatting issue in forum. (Fixes #719)
  • Fixed issue with networks that caused sorting in Admin not to work on next pages.
  • Improved banner CTA button background to be more visible.
  • Fixed Viglink settings and description in Admin Panel.
  • Fixed issue with editing post from notification. (Fixes #732)
  • Issue: Some server configurations caused settings files to be deleted upon upgrade. Solution: We improved the upgrade routine to skip any files in the application/settings/ folder. (Improvement #724) **See instructions below for this fix
  • Improved display of long user profile photos on members home page by using cropped thumbnails. (Improvement #139)
NOTE: Please make sure that you do a complete backup of both files and database before performing this upgrade. Please have the backup performed by your host or a developer if you’re not comfortable with performing it yourself.

**Special upgrade instructions -DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP-

We’ve included a special patch (not necessary for fresh installs) that you can download in step one below, but this patch does involve a couple of vital steps. If these steps are not followed it may appear as if your database has been deleted. This patch addresses an issue with some server configurations but is best for all clients to apply before upgrading. This manual patch is for any version and can be applied by following the steps below.

  1. Download the patch .
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Upload the unzipped files to your server, where you have SocialEngine installed (in most cases this would be the public_html or httpdocs folder), before upgrading. Make sure you overwrite the original file.
  4. Clear cache.
  5. Follow the standard upgrade procedure to upgrade your site.
You can also browse the complete changelog for more details about the changes and fixes implemented in this version.

We’ve also upgraded Albums, Forums, Music and Videos plugins to 4.9.2.

You can download your copy of version 4.9.2 from your client account. To upgrade, please view our upgrade documentation or, if you’d rather we take care of the hard stuff, you can order an upgrade and we’ll do it for you. Fresh installs should follow this installation tutorial or you can order an installation ticket and our team will get it installed in no time!

Thank you all for your help in posting any bugs you may have found! If you find any more issues, please let us know by filing a bug report in our Public Bug Tracker or by contacting us here. Lastly we’d like to encourage you to stay connected with the community.


Please install the following file first!!!

SE4 - 4.9.2 patch is essential so that when upgrading and an error received that looks like database disappeared, this patch fixes that issue. This patch is also useful for versions SE4.9.0 - SE4.9.2p1

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  • #26
Hot off the presses, SocialEngine PHP 4.9.3! This minor release addresses some issues that were reported by clients in our Github along with a few issues our staff found during further testing. We’ve also included some minor improvements to current features.

Designers will be thrilled as we’ve added support so the main layout can be edited allowing much greater flexibility in themes. This will check if default.tpl exists and if it does, it will load the layout from there. Additionally, if a ‘head.tpl’ exists they can add additional data to the sites <head></head>.

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

SocialEngine PHP 4.9.3 + plugins
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  • #27

  • admin-package-headers-1024x549.png

We’re back with a new release – SocialEngine PHP 4.9.4! This minor release addresses some issues that were reported by clients in our community along with a few issues our staff found during further testing. We’ve also included some improvements for the upcoming certified marketplace.

A big improvement we’ve made is to add LESS parser support for themes!. This combined with the improvements we made in 4.9.3 are sure to drastically improve SocialEngine templates! **Note: if using Admin Panel to edit the LESS variables, you’ll need a minimum of PHP 5.3.2 on the server.

Fixed Issues or Improvements Made:

  • Feature – Adding LESS parser support for themes.
  • Fixed – default language only worked if set to English.
  • Fixed – issue with installing plugins on Ubuntu 16.
  • Fixed – issue with session_write_close() for some servers.
  • Fixed – added password field for Redis cache, optional setting.
  • Fixed – using quotes in About Me caused ASCII characters to show.
  • Fixed – issue with saving CSV to PHP setting if setting did not exist in DB.
  • Fixed – changed notification to DESC to allow new notifications to show for those with lots of activity.
  • Fixed – error with Archive_Tar has a deprecated constructor.
  • Fixed – issue with widgets loading for disabled plugins.
  • Fixed – critical error with “Already Liked.”
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  • #28
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  • #29
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  • #30
SocialEngine 4.10.0 Stable Plugins

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  • #31
Demo :

1. BuddyPress
2. Burning Board
3. Community Builder
4. Concrete5
5. Datalife Engine
6. Boonex Dolphin
7. Drupal
9. e107
10. easySocial
11. Elgg
12. ExpressEngine
14. IP.Board
15. JamRoom
16. JCow
17. JomSocial
18. JomWall
19. Joomla!
20. Kunena
21. MediaWiki
22. mooSocial
23. MyBB
24. Offiria
25. osDate
26. Oxwall
27. PG Dating Pro
28. phpBB
29. phpFox
31. Sharetronix
32. SkaDate
33. Simple Machine Forum
34. SocialEngine
35. Vanilla Forums
36. vBulletin
37. vldPersonals
38. WordPress
39. xenForo

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  • #32

We are happy to announce the release of SocialEngine PHP 4.10.3. This maintenance release addresses a few issues reported by clients or found by our staff.

Following is a list of fixes in this release:

Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed – Issue with SDK and Windows local development for language packs.
  • Fixed – Added default “everyone” privacy value for “view_privacy” for SocialEngine official plugins where it was missing. This impacted imported sites.
  • Fixed – Removed 2CO from the admin payment gateway list as social networks are on the 2CO prohibited list. The gateway is still in the files for any experts that may want to work with it.
  • Fixed – Profile video browse UI as it was cutting off details and username for long titled videos.
  • Fixed – Issue with hashtags with a “null” value. (This is not a common issue and most would not have it)
  • Fixed – Added phrase “From %s %s”;”From %s %s” for Recent Messages widget.
A complete changelog is available for more details about the changes and fixes implemented in this 4.10.3 maintenance release.

As always we highly encourage all users to do a complete backup of both files and database before performing this upgrade. Please have the backup performed by your host or a developer if you’re not comfortable with performing it yourself. Always check with third party experts for compatibility with any products you use before upgrading.

Important: If you are on version 4.9.4p1 or below, you will need to follow the special steps in the upgrading documents linked below before upgrading and apply the patch mentioned.

You can download your copy of version 4.10.3 from your client dashboard. Fresh installs should follow our installation tutorial or you can order an installation ticket and our team will get it installed in no time! To upgrade from a previous version to 4.10.3, please view our upgrade documentation or, if you’d rather we take care of the hard stuff, you can order an upgrade and we’ll do it for you.


  • This version requires your server have a minimum PHP 5.6.31 or above.
If you find any issues, please let us know by filing a bug report in our Bug Tracker. We’d like to encourage you to stay connected with the community.

SocialEngine 4.10.3 Change Log:

  • application/languages/en/messages.csv
    • Adding phrase for recent message block
  • install/controllers/SdkController.php
    • Adding default CSV for languages in its own folder.
Album 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Album/settings/my-upgrade-4.10.2-4.10.3.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
  • application/modules/Album/settings/my.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
Blog 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Blog/Model/Blog.php
    • Make sure tags are not checking on null.
  • application/modules/Blog/settings/my-upgrade-4.10.2-4.10.3.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
  • application/modules/Blog/settings/my.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
Classified 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Classified/settings/my-upgrade-4.10.2-4.10.3.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
  • application/modules/Classified/settings/my.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
Event 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Event/settings/my-upgrade-4.10.2-4.10.3.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
  • application/modules/Event/settings/my.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
Fields 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Fields/Controller/AdminAbstract.php
    • Fix: Can't rename Profile Types
Group 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Group/settings/my-upgrade-4.10.2-4.10.3.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
  • application/modules/Group/settings/my.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
Music 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Music/settings/my-upgrade-4.10.2-4.10.3.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
  • application/modules/Music/settings/my.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
Payment 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Payment/controllers/AdminGatewayController.php
    • Remove 2co from admin list
Poll 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Poll/settings/my-upgrade-4.10.2-4.10.3.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
  • application/modules/Poll/settings/my.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
Video 4.10.3

  • application/modules/Video/externals/styles/main.css
    • Fix profile video browse UI
  • application/modules/Video/settings/my-upgrade-4.10.2-4.10.3.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value
  • application/modules/Video/settings/my.sql
    • Fixing plugin view privacy default value

Скачать SocialEngine 4.10.3

Скачать SocialEngine 4.10.3 Plugins

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  • #33
Social Engine 4.10.3 Nulled + 11 Plugins + All Languages

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
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  • #34
SocialEngine PHP 4.10.5 Change Log
SocialEngine PHP 4.10.5 Server Requirements changes:

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  • #35

SocialEngine PHP является гибкой и расширяемой программной платформой для создания социальных сетей. В нее изначально заложены широкие возможности по расширяемости функционала, активно используется система плагинов, т.е. можно задействовать только действительно нужные функции. Social Engine состоит из ядра и независимых полнофункциональных плагинов.


Пример ключей (можно менять цифры):

SocialEngine PHP v5.0.0 NULLED + Plugins
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  • #36
SocialEngine PHP является гибкой и расширяемой программной платформой для создания социальных сетей. В нее изначально заложены широкие возможности по расширяемости функционала, активно используется система плагинов, т.е. можно задействовать только действительно нужные функции. Social Engine состоит из ядра и независимых полнофункциональных плагинов.



Пример ключей (можно менять цифры):

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  • #37
SocialEngine PHP nulled является гибкой и расширяемой программной платформой для создания социальных сетей. В нее изначально заложены широкие возможности по расширяемости функционала, активно используется система плагинов, т.е. можно задействовать только действительно нужные функции. Social Engine состоит из ядра и независимых полнофункциональных плагинов.



Пример ключей (можно менять цифры):

SocialEngine PHP v5.0.0 NULLED + Plugins

SocialEngine PHP v5.0.1 UPDATE

SocialEngine PHP v5.1.0 UPDATE
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  • #38
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