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- Команда форума
- #1
Compatible XF Versions2.2 , 2.3Visible BrandingNo
You can use this to show it members of certain usergroups. Simply edit the "in_array" below to add usergroups to it.
This will add a "reply" button next to the newthread button.
Even if a bot is aware of the newthread & new post buttons, they will no longer follow it with the nofollow attribute, additionally they won't see it if you configure which groups can see these buttons correctly.
Go to: ACP --> Template --> thread_view and find:
Add this code directly below that line:
Updated to work properly on xenforo 2.3

You can use this to show it members of certain usergroups. Simply edit the "in_array" below to add usergroups to it.
This will add a "reply" button next to the newthread button.
Even if a bot is aware of the newthread & new post buttons, they will no longer follow it with the nofollow attribute, additionally they won't see it if you configure which groups can see these buttons correctly.
Go to: ACP --> Template --> thread_view and find:
<xf:breadcrumb source="$forum.getBreadcrumbs()" />
Add this code directly below that line:
<xf:if is="{$xf.visitor.user_id} AND in_array({$xf.visitor.user_group_id}, [2, 3, 18, 4, 5])">
<xf:button href="{{ link('forums/post-thread', $forum) }}" class="button--primary" icon="write" rel="nofollow">
{{ phrase('post_thread') }}
<xf:button href="{{ link('threads/reply', $thread) }}" data-xf-click="overlay" class="button--primary" icon="reply" rel="nofollow">
{{ phrase('post_reply') }}
- Removing overlay="true" seemed to resolve the issue.