Atlas Business Directory Listing by Creativeitem 2.13 NULLED

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Хотите сделать профессиональный сайт бизнес-справочника? Atlas NULLED предоставляет вам лучшую платформу для создания такой системы за считанные минуты. Это настраиваемый и самый простой сценарий на рынке для настройки и организации портала вашего бизнес-каталога. Все современные функции листинга каталогов интегрированы в Atlas, что делает его отраслевым стандартом и предоставляет надежное решение для развития вашего бизнеса.

Directory Portal features​

  • Dynamic home page with search bar and top listings
  • Category wise directory browsing
  • Dedicated category & sub-category page with summary
  • Advanced directory filtering page
  • Filter listings with category, amenities, pricing, cities, video
  • Locate listings in map as marker with informative popover
  • Map interaction with listing search result for ease of access
  • Directory’s wide banner image
  • All categories in listing page
  • Unlimited photo gallery image for any directory
  • Amenities listing of a directory
  • Weekly opening & closing hours schedule
  • Currently closed or opening status
  • Video embed option from youtube, vimeo, html5
  • Social media sharing option for listing
  • Customer reviews and rating form
  • Review summary view sorted by star rating
  • Report inappropriate listing to admin to review
  • Contact form for business customers
  • Listing can be added to wishlist from thumbnail and detail page
  • Price table for purchasing directory posting package
  • Company details and legal pages: about, t&c, privacy policy, faq
  • Dynamic footer
  • 404 error page configuration

Business specific features​

  • Customized directory layout for restaurant, hotel, shop
  • Food menu showing custom layout for restaurant directories
  • Table booking custom contact form for restaurant directories
  • Room detail custom layout for hotel directories
  • Room booking custom form for hotel directories
  • Product showing custom layout for shopping directories

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