Скачать BeDrive - File Sharing and Cloud Storage
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BeDrive позволяет вам создавать собственные сайты для совместного использования файлов и хостинга в считанные минуты без каких-либо знаний в области программирования. Обладает впечатляющим набором функций, схожих с такими как Dropbox или Google Drive.

Демо: https://codecanyon.net/item/bedrive-file-sharing-and-cloud-storage/12700384

PHP >= 5.4
MCrypt PHP расширение
PDO расширение
php_fileinfo расширение
MySQL, Postgres, SQLite или SQL Database Server.

BeDrive - File Sharing and Cloud Storage
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  • #22
[ itnull.cc ]bedrive-mobile.jpg
BeDrive позволяет вам создавать собственные сайты для совместного использования файлов и хостинга в считанные минуты без каких-либо знаний в области программирования. Обладает впечатляющим набором функций, схожих с такими как Dropbox или Google Drive.

Демо: https://codecanyon.net/item/bedrive-file-sharing-and-cloud-storage/12700384

PHP >= 5.4
MCrypt PHP расширение
PDO расширение
php_fileinfo расширение
MySQL, Postgres, SQLite или SQL Database Server.

BeDrive - File Sharing and Cloud Storage
А есть инструкция как установить?
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  • #24

BeDrive allows you to create your own fully-featured, self-hosted file sharing and hosting website in minutes without any coding or server management knowledge.


  • Editable Homepage – Default landing page can be easily edited via built-in appearance editor with live preview and no coding knowledge.
  • Easy Installation – Install BeDrive easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation.
  • SaaS mode – Earn money with built in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control how much storage space, what functionality and limitations each plan has.
  • High Performance – BeDrive is lightweight and has lighting fast performance and page load time out of the box.
  • Sharing – Users can share files and folders with multiple users, allowing collaboration.
  • Upload Status – See status, progress, estimated time left and more for all current uploads.
  • Shareable Links – Create publicly shareable links for files and folders with optional expiration date, password and permissions.
  • Translations – BeDrive is fully translation ready and can be easily translated to any language from admin area.
  • Responsive – BeDrive is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices.
  • Dark Mode – BeDrive comes with pre-built light and dark themes. You can fully customize them or add new themes via appearance editor.
  • File Previews – Preview multiple file types including audio, video, text, pdf, zip and images right in the browser without the need to download the file.
  • Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage – Easily store user upload files on many different cloud services and providers.
  • Documentation – BeDrive comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features.
  • Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more.
  • Permissions and Roles – Use fully featured permission and role system to allow (or disallow) users, subscription plans or guests to perform specific action across the site.
  • Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login.
  • Grid and List views – Both grid and list views are available and freely switchable by the user so they can select the one they prefer more.
  • Ads - Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and BeDrive will display them automatically.
  • Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design.
  • Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor.
  • Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs.
  • Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing.
  • Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page.
  • Drag and Drop – Natural drag and drop features for uploading, selecting and moving files & folders.
  • Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on file or folder) is available with all the actions you’d expect like delete, copy, share, move, rename, get link and more. This menu can be accessed from navigation bar as well on touch based devices.
  • Trash – Deleted items will first be moved to trash so they can be restored later.
  • Favorites – Favorite files or folders so you can find them easily from favorites page later.
  • Search – Powerful search will find files and folders that are at any level of depth.
  • File Details – Sidebar on the right will display selected file or folder details as well as preview (if available).
  • Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications.
  • Custom Pages – Custom pages (for example terms of service, about us etc) can be created using built-in WISIWYG editor.
  • Menu Editor – All the menus across the site can be easily edited via drag and drop without any coding knowledge.

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  • #25

BeDrive allows you to create your own fully-featured, self-hosted file sharing and hosting website in minutes without any coding or server management knowledge.


  • Editable Homepage – Default landing page can be easily edited via built-in appearance editor with live preview and no coding knowledge.
  • Easy Installation – Install BeDrive easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation.
  • SaaS mode – Earn money with built in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control how much storage space, what functionality and limitations each plan has.
  • High Performance – BeDrive is lightweight and has lighting fast performance and page load time out of the box.
  • Sharing – Users can share files and folders with multiple users, allowing collaboration.
  • Upload Status – See status, progress, estimated time left and more for all current uploads.
  • Shareable Links – Create publicly shareable links for files and folders with optional expiration date, password and permissions.
  • Translations – BeDrive is fully translation ready and can be easily translated to any language from admin area.
  • Responsive – BeDrive is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices.
  • Dark Mode – BeDrive comes with pre-built light and dark themes. You can fully customize them or add new themes via appearance editor.
  • File Previews – Preview multiple file types including audio, video, text, pdf, zip and images right in the browser without the need to download the file.
  • Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage – Easily store user upload files on many different cloud services and providers.
  • Documentation – BeDrive comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features.
  • Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more.
  • Permissions and Roles – Use fully featured permission and role system to allow (or disallow) users, subscription plans or guests to perform specific action across the site.
  • Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login.
  • Grid and List views – Both grid and list views are available and freely switchable by the user so they can select the one they prefer more.
  • Ads - Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and BeDrive will display them automatically.
  • Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design.
  • Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor.
  • Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs.
  • Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing.
  • Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page.
  • Drag and Drop – Natural drag and drop features for uploading, selecting and moving files & folders.
  • Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on file or folder) is available with all the actions you’d expect like delete, copy, share, move, rename, get link and more. This menu can be accessed from navigation bar as well on touch based devices.
  • Trash – Deleted items will first be moved to trash so they can be restored later.
  • Favorites – Favorite files or folders so you can find them easily from favorites page later.
  • Search – Powerful search will find files and folders that are at any level of depth.
  • File Details – Sidebar on the right will display selected file or folder details as well as preview (if available).
  • Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications.
  • Custom Pages – Custom pages (for example terms of service, about us etc) can be created using built-in WISIWYG editor.
  • Menu Editor – All the menus across the site can be easily edited via drag and drop without any coding knowledge.

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BeDrive позволяет за считанные минуты создать собственный полнофункциональный самостоятельный файлообменник и хостинг без каких-либо знаний в области программирования или управления сервером.

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  • #27

BeDrive позволяет за считанные минуты создать собственный полнофункциональный самостоятельный файлообменник и хостинг без каких-либо знаний в области программирования или управления сервером.

Редактируемая домашняя страница. Целевую страницу по умолчанию можно легко редактировать с помощью встроенного редактора внешнего вида с предварительным просмотром в реальном времени и без знаний программирования.
Простая установка — установите BeDrive легко, без программирования или знаний о сервере, за несколько минут с помощью нашего простого в использовании установщика и документации.
Режим SaaS — зарабатывайте деньги с помощью встроенной системы подписки премиум-класса. Создавайте различные планы для подписки пользователей и контролируйте, сколько места для хранения, какие функции и ограничения есть у каждого плана.
Высокая производительность — BeDrive легкий и имеет молниеносную производительность и время загрузки страницы из коробки.
Совместное использование — пользователи могут обмениваться файлами и папками с несколькими пользователями, обеспечивая совместную работу.
Статус загрузки — смотрите статус, ход выполнения, расчетное оставшееся время и многое другое для всех текущих загрузок.
Ссылки общего доступа — создавайте общедоступные ссылки для файлов и папок с необязательными датой истечения срока действия, паролем и разрешениями.
Переводы — BeDrive полностью готов к переводу и может быть легко переведен на любой язык из административной области.
Отзывчивость — BeDrive полностью адаптивен и будет работать на настольных компьютерах, мобильных устройствах, планшетах и других устройствах.
Темный режим — BeDrive поставляется с предустановленными светлыми и темными темами. Вы можете полностью настроить их или добавить новые темы через редактор внешнего вида.
Предварительный просмотр файлов. Предварительный просмотр нескольких типов файлов, включая аудио, видео, текст, pdf, zip и изображения, прямо в браузере без необходимости загрузки файла.
Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage. С легкостью храните загруженные пользователем файлы во множестве различных облачных сервисов и поставщиков.
Документация — BeDrive поставляется с подробной документацией, в которой объясняется все, от установки до всех функций.
Аутентификация — полнофункциональная система аутентификации с социальным входом (facebook, twitter и google), обычным входом в систему, регистрацией, восстановлением пароля, настройками учетной записи и многим другим.
Разрешения и роли. Используйте полнофункциональную систему разрешений и ролей, чтобы разрешить (или запретить) пользователям, планам подписки или гостям выполнять определенные действия на сайте.
Отключить регистрацию — регистрацию можно полностью отключить из панели администратора, поэтому только пользователи, которых вы создали вручную из панели администратора, смогут войти в систему.
Представления в виде сетки и списка. Представления в виде сетки и списка доступны и свободно переключаются пользователем, чтобы он мог выбрать тот, который ему больше нравится.
Объявления. Вставьте рекламные коды во встроенные рекламные места в панели администратора, и BeDrive отобразит их автоматически.
Профессиональный дизайн. Пиксельный профессиональный дизайн, основанный на материальном дизайне Google.
Редактор внешнего вида — легко управляйте внешним видом вашего сайта (цвета, логотип, целевая страница, меню и т. д.) из редактора внешнего вида.
Настройки — Панель администратора имеет множество настроек, позволяющих настроить сайт под свои нужды.
Аналитика — аналитика Google интегрирована прямо в панель администратора, поэтому вам не нужно открывать отдельную страницу, чтобы увидеть, как работает ваш сайт.
Несколько домашних страниц — выберите между несколькими домашними страницами, включая целевую страницу, страницу входа или собственную пользовательскую HTML-страницу.
Перетаскивание — естественные функции перетаскивания для загрузки, выбора и перемещения файлов и папок.
Контекстное меню — полностью интегрированное контекстное меню (щелчок правой кнопкой мыши по файлу или папке) доступно со всеми ожидаемыми действиями, такими как удаление, копирование, совместное использование, перемещение, переименование, получение ссылки и многое другое. Доступ к этому меню можно получить с панели навигации, а также на сенсорных устройствах.
Корзина — удаленные элементы сначала будут перемещены в корзину, чтобы их можно было восстановить позже.
Избранное — Избранные файлы или папки, чтобы вы могли легко найти их позже на странице избранного.
Поиск — Мощный поиск найдет файлы и папки на любом уровне глубины.
Сведения о файле — на боковой панели справа будут отображаться сведения о выбранном файле или папке, а также предварительный просмотр (если он доступен).
Исходный код — при покупке вы получите полный незашифрованный исходный код, позволяющий легко вносить пользовательские модификации.
Пользовательские страницы. Пользовательские страницы (например, условия обслуживания, о нас и т.д.) можно создавать с помощью встроенного редактора WISIWYG.
Редактор меню — все меню на сайте можно легко редактировать с помощью перетаскивания без каких-либо знаний в области кодирования.

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  • #28

BeDrive позволяет за считанные минуты создать собственный полнофункциональный самостоятельный файлообменник и хостинг без каких-либо знаний в области программирования или управления сервером.


  • Editable Homepage – Default landing page can be easily edited via built-in appearance editor with live preview and no coding knowledge.
  • Easy Installation – Install BeDrive easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation.
  • SaaS mode – Earn money with built in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control how much storage space, what functionality and limitations each plan has.
  • High Performance – BeDrive is lightweight and has lighting fast performance and page load time out of the box.
  • Sharing – Users can share files and folders with multiple users, allowing collaboration.
  • Upload Status – See status, progress, estimated time left and more for all current uploads.
  • Shareable Links – Create publicly shareable links for files and folders with optional expiration date, password and permissions.
  • Translations – BeDrive is fully translation ready and can be easily translated to any language from admin area.
  • Responsive – BeDrive is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices.
  • Dark Mode – BeDrive comes with pre-built light and dark themes. You can fully customize them or add new themes via appearance editor.
  • File Previews – Preview multiple file types including audio, video, text, pdf, zip and images right in the browser without the need to download the file.
  • Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage – Easily store user upload files on many different cloud services and providers.
  • Documentation – BeDrive comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features.
  • Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more.
  • Permissions and Roles – Use fully featured permission and role system to allow (or disallow) users, subscription plans or guests to perform specific action across the site.
  • Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login.
  • Grid and List views – Both grid and list views are available and freely switchable by the user so they can select the one they prefer more.
  • Ads - Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and BeDrive will display them automatically.
  • Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design.
  • Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor.
  • Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs.
  • Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing.
  • Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page.
  • Drag and Drop – Natural drag and drop features for uploading, selecting and moving files & folders.
  • Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on file or folder) is available with all the actions you’d expect like delete, copy, share, move, rename, get link and more. This menu can be accessed from navigation bar as well on touch based devices.
  • Trash – Deleted items will first be moved to trash so they can be restored later.
  • Favorites – Favorite files or folders so you can find them easily from favorites page later.
  • Search – Powerful search will find files and folders that are at any level of depth.
  • File Details – Sidebar on the right will display selected file or folder details as well as preview (if available).
  • Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications.
  • Custom Pages – Custom pages (for example terms of service, about us etc) can be created using built-in WISIWYG editor.
  • Menu Editor – All the menus across the site can be easily edited via drag and drop without any coding knowledge.

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  • #29

BeDrive позволяет вам за считанные минуты создать свой собственный полнофункциональный веб-сайт для обмена файлами и хостинга без каких-либо знаний в области кодирования или управления сервером.


  • Editable Homepage – Default landing page can be easily edited via built-in appearance editor with live preview and no coding knowledge.
  • Easy Installation – Install BeDrive easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation.
  • SaaS mode – Earn money with built in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control how much storage space, what functionality and limitations each plan has.
  • High Performance – BeDrive is lightweight and has lighting fast performance and page load time out of the box.
  • Sharing – Users can share files and folders with multiple users, allowing collaboration.
  • Upload Status – See status, progress, estimated time left and more for all current uploads.
  • Shareable Links – Create publicly shareable links for files and folders with optional expiration date, password and permissions.
  • Translations – BeDrive is fully translation ready and can be easily translated to any language from admin area.
  • Responsive – BeDrive is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices.
  • Dark Mode – BeDrive comes with pre-built light and dark themes. You can fully customize them or add new themes via appearance editor.
  • File Previews – Preview multiple file types including audio, video, text, pdf, zip and images right in the browser without the need to download the file.
  • Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage – Easily store user upload files on many different cloud services and providers.
  • Documentation – BeDrive comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features.
  • Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more.
  • Permissions and Roles – Use fully featured permission and role system to allow (or disallow) users, subscription plans or guests to perform specific action across the site.
  • Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login.
  • Grid and List views – Both grid and list views are available and freely switchable by the user so they can select the one they prefer more.
  • Ads - Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and BeDrive will display them automatically.
  • Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design.
  • Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) from appearance editor.
  • Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs.
  • Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing.
  • Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page.
  • Drag and Drop – Natural drag and drop features for uploading, selecting and moving files & folders.
  • Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on file or folder) is available with all the actions you’d expect like delete, copy, share, move, rename, get link and more. This menu can be accessed from navigation bar as well on touch based devices.
  • Trash – Deleted items will first be moved to trash so they can be restored later.
  • Favorites – Favorite files or folders so you can find them easily from favorites page later.
  • Search – Powerful search will find files and folders that are at any level of depth.
  • File Details – Sidebar on the right will display selected file or folder details as well as preview (if available).
  • Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications.
  • Custom Pages – Custom pages (for example terms of service, about us etc) can be created using built-in WISIWYG editor.
  • Menu Editor – All the menus across the site can be easily edited via drag and drop without any coding knowledge.

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  • #30
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