Bayanno hospital management system pro - скрипт для больниц, клиник и диагностических центров

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Скрипт для управления больницей, поликлиникой или диагностическим центром. Я бы даже назвал своеобразная CRM для больниц. Поддерживает 7 типов пользователей: Администратор, Доктор, Пациент, Медсестра, Фармацевт, Лаборант, Бухгалтер.

Полное описание:
Advanced management software for hospital,clinic,diagnostic center
Advanced, powerfull, flexible complete management software for hospital, clinic and medical institutes. Integrates and facilitates 7 types of user area of a hospital :
  1. Administrator
  2. Doctor
  3. Patient
  4. Nurse
  5. Pharmacist
  6. Laboratorist
  7. Accountant
  • Manage departments of hospital
  • Manage doctor account
  • Manage patient account
  • Manage nurse account
  • Manage pharmacist account
  • Manage laboratorist account
  • Manage accountant account
  • Monitor hospital events
  • watch transaction reports of patient payment
  • Bed,ward, cabin status
  • watch blood bank report
  • watch medicine status of hospital stock
  • watch operation report
  • watch birth report
  • watch death report
  • Bed allotment status and admit history
  • Manage noticeboard for all users of hospital
  • Manage system settings
  • Watch system log of user interactions
  • Manage language of the software
  • Create backup and restore anytime
  • Manage own profile
  • Manage patient. account opening and updating
  • Create, manage appointment with patient
  • Create prescription for patient
  • Keep record of patient case history
  • Provide medication for patients
  • View diagnostic report of patients.
  • Creates , discharge bed allotment for patient
  • View blood bank status
  • Issue for operation of patients and creates operation report
  • View appintment list and status with doctors
  • View prescription details
  • View medication from doctor
  • View medication from pharmacist
  • View / download diagnostic report from laboratorist.
  • View doctor list
  • View blood bacnk status
  • View operation history
  • View admit history. like bed,ward icu etc
  • View invoices
  • Pay hand cash to accountant or pay online [PAYPAL]
  • Manage patient. account opening and updating
  • Allot bed,ward,cabin for patients
  • Provide medication according to patient prescription
  • Manage blood bank and update status
  • Manage blood donors
  • Keep record of patient operation, baby born and death of patient
  • Maintain medicine
  • Keep records of hospitals stock medicines and status
  • Manage medicine categories
  • Watch prescription of patient
  • Provide medication to prescriptions
  • Watch prescription list
  • Upoad diagnostic report
  • Preiview of diagnostic report files
  • Manage blood bank
  • Manage blood donors and maintain their status
  • Create invoice for payment
  • Order invoice to patient
  • Take cash payment


  • Bayanno-Hospital-Management-System-Prov1.2.rar
    1,6 MB · Просмотры: 74
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