[XF 2] xenForo Media Gallery 2.0.0 Beta 7

Скачать [XF 2] xenForo Media Gallery 2.0.0 Beta 7
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Full support for access rights for content categories

Access rights for categories have been revised in XFMG 2.0. Instead of separately configuring access rights for each category, the system uses full support for content access rights (for example, nodes) so you can cancel or add all permissions for each gallery category, for groups or individual users, while rights inheritance and tools for analysis of access rights.

Sorting categories by drag and drop

As in some other areas of the control panel (including nodes and resource categories), XFMG categories can now be sorted using drag and drop. This allows you not only to reorder the categories, but also to change the parent categories.

Albums in categories

The most popular proposal since the release of XFMG is the ability to create albums in categories. Previously, there was a clear distinction between personal user albums and categories. We still have personal albums, and still they still have privacy settings, but now you can also create "Album Categories".

This really means that now we have three different types of categories: "Only for media files", "Only for containers" and "Only for albums".
The container-only type is not really new, but now it is an explicit category type, and does not rely on removing permissions to implicitly make it so, in the "container-only" categories, all albums / media elements will be displayed from any child categories.
The category "Only for albums" allows users to create albums in a category. These albums are slightly easier in terms of privacy settings, they inherit the same permissions as the category in which they are created.
If a user requires private albums or the desire to share his albums with specific users, they must continue to use personal albums for this.

Batch update of media / albums

We have added a system similar to "Batch update users", which allows you to perform batch operations on media elements. The first beta version will only include the basic search constraints and actions, but additional actions will be added over time.

Download audio

Since we already have image uploads, video downloads and the ability to embed media from other sites, the next logical step was to add support for downloading the sound, and this was another popular offer.

Like downloading a video, we first check whether the downloaded audio file is encoded in a supported format (MP3, naturally), and if so, it will be downloaded without problems. If the file is not encoded in MP3 format, the file will either be rejected, or if you have FFmpeg enabled, it can be recoded to the correct format. After uploading and adding to the gallery, we use the existing VideoJS library we use for video to play audio. With FFmpeg enabled, we even try to pull out any album covers embedded in the file, for use as thumbnails.

Possibility of forced video transcoding

The functions of FFmpeg are preserved, you may have noticed that if you allow downloading a video, if the video requires transcoding, then often the resulting file still has a reasonable quality, but with a much smaller file size. However, if the video does not require transcoding (since often the video is already encoded with H.264 and AAC / MP3), then it is loaded without any compression. To process video more consistently, now there is an opportunity to force to recode all downloaded videos, although this takes time, but leads to smaller file sizes.


  • XFMG_ 2.0.0_Beta_7.zip
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