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Pages plugin has modular structure which allows you to save costs by purchasing only needed extensions and plugins. We've already implemented wide range of extensions for Pages and constantly working on a new ones. Check available extensions here - Pages Extensions and check integrated plugins list on the right sidebar.

  • User Interfaces. We pay all our attention to UI implementation - our aim is to provide stylish interfaces and the same time make navigation/acting very simple to provide more conveniences for users. It is fully based on Ajax(no-page-loads!) and supports direct URL for better SEO.
  • Customizable Layout and Features Set Control. We have made Page as editable area and all things/elements on page are implemented as widgets so page owners have full control over the look and features set. Customizable layout - members can choose layout columns and drag & drop features on any wished position on page using Layout Editor. Also they are allowed to control which widgets(features) will be shown/hided on their page:
    `Page Activity Feed` - displays wall(activities) related to the page
    `Page Photo` - shows logo/photo of page which can be uploaded by the page team members
    `Page Info` - shows the page detailed information
    `Page Note` - nice Note box which allows to show short welcome or informative text like on Facebook
    `Tags Cloud` - enables you to have an overview of all page's tags, and interactively determine the relations between them. It allows you to filter content(photos, videos, etc) within Page by tags without any page-loads.
    `Page Map` - displays page location on Google Map.
    `Search` - displays a search box for ajax-search.
    and much more widgets are available, by adding new page module you get many new widgets - blogs, videos, music, etc.
  • HTML Widgets. Members can create/edit/delete custom HTML widgets which can be put on any position using drag & drop option in Layout Editor. Custom HTML widgets have title and html compatible content fields.
  • Page Categories and Fields. Admin can easily create categories and customizable fields for each page category separately. So musicians may have different set of fields than actors.
    Sub-categories are available now, so you can have two level deep categorization for your social network.
  • Page Team. If it is public page of a Company and there are CEO, Sales Manager, Supporter and Technical Specialist and if you want to list them or give full administration access for the Page then you can add them using team manager tool and set position label(CEO, Supporter) to each one. Team members are shown in a special `Page Team` widget. There are available two options:
    - Admins are listed on page and they are allowed to edit and moderate content on page;
    - Employees are just listed on page without any moderation permissions;
  • Agree Terms of Use. You can create a HTML supported nice Terms of Use page for each page category separately, which are read and accepted on page creation page. You can enable/disable term of use by category.
  • Get Started is a new section in Edit Page(Dashboard). As soon as member creates a page, he is redirected to Get Started page where are available steps to: fulfil page information; upload page photo, configure privacy, add page team, invite friends; make page attractive; post social media content; etc. This section is available for members to make things much simpler.
  • Search. It is a great search feature which allows to find any type of content within Page as quickly as you type: albums, photos, videos, playlist, tracks and blogs. Search based on AJAX and shows grouped results which makes so easy to view quick-search results, just one click to view result or play track(no page loads!). `View All Results` link loads all search results with paging.
  • Tags. Tags are natively integrated with all features of Pages, they are shown in all type of content: photos, videos, blogs, etc; just one click on any wished tag and you will see content filtered by the tag.
  • Google Map. It is nicely integrated with Google Map which displays where Pages is located.
  • Favourite Pages. It is a great way to link and advertise own page on other pages. It shows list of favourite pages in a widget which can be placed on left sidebar, you can see the same `Likes` box on Facebook Pages. For example: Apple page can be advertised on iPod, iPhone and iPad pages.
  • Business name instead of Personal name. Now it is available if you have our Wall plugin! Wall-posts and comments which are submitted by page owners, are shown on behalf of page(business, public figure, etc)
    Please check the plugin details here - Wall plugin
  • Many other features:
    ● usability and style improvements on browse pages, package selection, page dashboard, etc;
    ● option to select default view mode for pages listing: icon, list or map view;
    ● integrated ads blocks of Community Ads plugin;
    ● page loading speed optimizations;
    ● short urls for pages like:;
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