Chat by Siropu 1.22.1

Скачать Chat by Siropu 1.22.1
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Команда форума
  • Автор темы
  • Администратор
  • Модер.
  • Команда форума
  • #1
Compatible XF Versions:
  • 1.3
  • 1.4
  • 1.5
Each installation requires a separate license. With each license you purchase you automatically get 10% off for the next license, up to 50%!
Updates Duration:
12 Months / 9.99 USD Renewal (new updates and support)
Visible Branding:
Admin Features
  1. Enable Chat
  2. Enable Chat Rooms
  3. Enable Chat Page
  4. Rooms to display in the navigation
  5. Display Mode (All Pages, Forums List Above, Forums List Below, Sidebar Below Visitor Panel, Sidebar Bottom, Chat Page Only, Embed)
  6. Allow room change in embed mode
  7. Enable chatters list
  8. Enable top chatters list with limit
  9. Hide users after x minutes of inactivity
  10. Enable tag alerts
  11. Link tagged users to their profile
  12. Enable avatars in users list
  13. Enable avatars in message list
  14. Enable colored messages
  15. Enable color picker
  16. Choose if banned users can view chat
  17. Set maximum messages displayed
  18. Set maximum smilies used in a message
  19. Delete messages older than x days
  20. Delete rooms inactive for x days
  21. Enable /me command
  22. Enable /whisper command
  23. Enable /quit command
  24. Enable /kick command
  25. Display user commands by chat bot
  26. Chose which editor buttons are displayed (bold, italic, underline, strike-through, link, image, media, quote, spoiler, code, smilies)
  27. Disallow certain BBCodes
  28. Disable All BBCodes
  29. Set default user settings
  30. Displayed notifications
  31. Refresh rate control (4 states)
  32. Enable Chat Page Sidebar
  33. Display top chatters widget on chat page sidebar
  34. Notices (You can use multiple in rotation)
  35. Ads (You can use multiple in rotation) / Support for Ads Manager is available.
All Pages Mode it displays a bar at the bottom of the window with the last posted message and the number of chatters. When you click on the bar, the chat get displayed and you can chat from any page at any time. This way you don't have to stay on specific page to chat.

Embed Mode
allows you to embed the chat with any room anywhere you want in the template using a template callback with XF's Template Modifications System.

There is also a mode called Full Page Mode which allows you to embed the chat using an iframe. To use it, you just need to add /fullpage to the end of the chat page URL.

Rooms (User Group Based Permissions)

  • Admin option to globally enable/disable rooms feature.
  • Users can Add/Edit/Delete Rooms from within the chat if they have permission.
  • Admin can create rooms with user group based permissions.
  • Users can password protect their rooms if they have permission.
  • Users can bypass password if they have permission.
  • You can view who's chatting and in which room.
  • By using /room and then typing you can search for rooms.
/whisper command (Permission based)
Allows you to send private messages to chatters and the best part is that it supports multiple recipients at the same time.

/whisper [User 1, User 2] your message

You can either write this manually or you can click the new "Whisper" link in the user actions menu. If you click on multiple users "Whisper" action, they will be added to the group.

When the message shows up, you can see who else received the message and if you click on the "Whisper" text, you can send a new message to the same group, without having to click again on their "Whisper"link.

The /whisper command can be globally switched on/off from admin options and there are also user group permissions.

/me command (User Group Based Permissions)

  • Enable/disable the /me command.
  • Set if command is displayed by the chat bot.
/quit command (User Group Based Permissions)
  • Enable/disable the /quit command.
  • Set if command is displayed by the chat bot.
Command will display a message to all users: Username has left the chat.

If you write something after the command, that message will be included with the notification: Username has left the chat (Your message).

/prune command (User Group Based Permissions)

Will delete all the messages in the current room.
By adding all after the command will delete all the messages in all the rooms.
By adding the username of a user after the command, will delete all the messages by that user from the room.

/kick command (User Group Based Permissions)

Allows you to kick users from the room for x hours (specified in the admin option).

/clear command

Will clear all the messages in the chat window (does not delete them).

/rules command

Will display an overlay with the rules you have set.

/rooms command

Will display the available rooms.

/help command

Will display an overlay with information about the chat commands.

/user command

By typing /user followed by a username, will display only the messages associated with that user.

Bot Responses

Allows you to set keywords that can trigger automated messages posted by chat bot.

Bot Messages

Allows you to automatically post messages at a scheduled time.

Desktop Notifications

Allow you to display desktop notifications when there are new messages and the chat window is unfocused. You can set which message types are displayed (normal, whisper, tag, bot). Users have the option to disable this from their settings.

Top Chatters

  • Enable/disable top chatter list with limit.
  • Admin can reset top chatters list any time.
Displayed notifications (By the Chat Bot)
  • User has been banned
  • User has been unbanned
  • User has joined the room
  • User has left the room
  • User has registered
Display new forum Threads & Posts
  1. Choose to display new threads
  2. Choose to display new thread posts
  3. Choose to display post content excerpt (with length control)
  4. Choose to display posts from selected forums only
The messages will get posted by the Chat Bot and you can set the name for it.

Display moderator ban actions

If enabled, moderator ban/unban actions will be displayed in the chat by the chat bot.

Style Properties

Allows you to style almost every element of the chat.
You can also change the image icons and set bot avatar.

Font Awesome Support

Allows you to use Font Awesome icons instead of image icons. You can choose your own icons and you can even include Font Awesome if you don't have it installed.


  1. View chat
  2. Use chat
  3. View archive
  4. Search archive
  5. Edit own messages
  6. Edit messages by anyone
  7. Delete own messages
  8. Delete messages by anyone
  9. Delete all messages
  10. Ban users from chat
  11. View banned users
  12. Join rooms
  13. Join multiple rooms
  14. Add rooms
  15. Password protect rooms
  16. Bypass Password
  17. Delete any room
  18. Edit any room
  19. Use /me command
  20. Use /whisper command
  21. Use /quit command
  22. Use /kick command
  23. Allow room authors to use /kick command
  24. Choose display mode
  25. Use color
  26. Manage reports
  27. Report messages
  28. View whispers (Optional for Admins/Moderators)
  29. Read whispers (Optional for Admins/Moderators)
  30. Edit notices
  31. View Ads
User Features
  1. Enable/Disable Sound
  2. Maximize Chat Window
  3. Inverse Direction
  4. Set chat editor position (top or bottom) - Requires page refresh.
  5. Hide/show bot messages
  6. Hide/show chatters list
  7. Hide messages from ignored users
  8. Hide desktop notifications
  9. Enable/Disable Chat (Not applies to Chat Page Mode)
  10. Choose display mode
  11. Set massage color using color picker
  12. User Tagging (When you post with @username, the user will see that message highlighted and if tag alerts options is enabled, the user will also get an alert notification)
  13. View Archive (Permissions based)
  14. View Top Chatters
  15. View banned users (Permissions based)
  16. Edit/Delete own messages (Permissions based)
  17. Delete all messages (From certain rooms all from all rooms)
  18. Logout from chat
Moderator Features (Permissions based)
  1. Ban/unban users form certain rooms or from the whole chat for hours, days, weeks, months, years or permanently.
  2. Edit/delete any message
Archive Features (Permissions based)
  1. Search by room or in all rooms
  2. Search by keywords
  3. Search by usernames (You can search by multiple users)
  4. Search by date (end/start)
The editor buttons work like XenForo's, meaning that if you click on link, image. media, you get a popup to insert the data.

Chat Sound Alerts
There are 3 different sound alerts for messages: whisper, bot and regular. There is also a sound alert for error messages.

Chat Rules
Allows you to set chat rules. If rules are set, a link will appear in the chat title bar and when clicked, the rules will popup in the overlay.

Edit, delete and prune actions will be reflected to all chatters on chat refresh without having to reload the page.

DISCLAIMER: I don't know how it will perform with many concurrent chatters.

Demo available at:

As a customer you get:
  • Guaranteed support
  • Guaranteed maintenance
  • Fast bug fixes


  • Chat by Siropu
    192,7 KB · Просмотры: 18
Перевод на русский язык
Для версии 1.19.0
Возможности для администратора (Возможности переведены с английского на русский)
  1. Включение чата
  2. Включение комнат чата
  3. Включение отдельной страницы чата
  4. Выбор режима отображения (на всех страницах, выше списка форумов, ниже списка форумов, только на отдельной сранице чата, вывод шаблоном)
  5. Включение списка пользователей в чате
  6. Отображение списка самых активных пользователей чата, с возможностью установки лимита
  7. Скрытие пользователей после X минут неактивности
  8. Включение оповещений при упоминании пользователя в чате
  9. Ссылка на карту пользователя при его упоминании
  10. Включение аватаров в списке пользователей
  11. Включение аватаров в списке сообщений
  12. Возможность заблокированным пользователям просматривать чат
  13. Установка максимального количества сообщений для отображения
  14. Удаление сообщений, которым больше X дней
  15. Включение команды /me
  16. Отображение информационных команд от имени чат-бота
  17. Выбор кнопок редактора для отображения (жирный, курсив, подчёркивание, зачёркивание, ссылка, изображение, медиа, цитата, спойлер, код, смайлы)
  18. Отключение отдельных BB-кодов
  19. Отключение всех BB-кодов
  20. Уведомления (поддержка ротации)
  21. Объявления (поддержка ротации) / Поддержка плагина Ads Manager By Siropu.

  • Отображение новых тем и сообщений с форума в чате
  • Поддержка Font Awesome
  • И многое другое


  • Chat-by-Siropu-(RU)
    11 KB · Просмотры: 7
Последнее редактирование:
  • Автор темы
  • Администратор
  • Модер.
  • Команда форума
  • #3
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