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Привлекайте интернет-маркетологов и предприятия, которые ищут экономичный способ отправки SMS своим клиентам в своей стране, с Zender они могут сделать это с легкостью.
Владейте им так, как вы его создали, с нашим полным решением для платформы «white label», и никто не узнает, что ваша платформа использует Zender!
Мы знаем, насколько важно иметь простую в использовании платформу для веб-мастеров, поэтому Zender был создан с учетом простоты использования.
Zender чрезвычайно быстр и оптимизирован. Мы тщательно протестировали все на соответствие веб-стандартам.
- Dashboard – Beautiful and responsive dashboard for your users that automatically fits any screen and resolutions, bundled with quick load technology.
- Landing Page – Beautiful landing page for your SaaS platform, attract paying visitors with a stunning landing page!
- Send Quick SMS – Allow your customers to send quick messages to their contacts.
- Send Bulk SMS – Allow your customers to send bulk messages to multiple contact groups.
- Long Messages – Supports sending long messages, the messages will be splitted to multiple parts if longer than 160 characters. We even tried sending a message in Korean containing more than 500 characters!
- Receive SMS – Receive replies from the gateway devices, this can allow your customers to have a dual channel sms system.
- SMS Templates – Create ready to use message templates, just select it when you send an sms and it will automatically be added in the textarea.
- Smart Sending – When a user doesn’t select a device when sending sms, system will automatically decide what device will be used for sending based on pending messages by devices.
- Contact Groups – Create groups for easy sending of bulk messages to multiple numbers.
- Multiple Languages – Supports multiple languages, easily translate zender to different languages. Includes 10 default languages. English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Italian and Russian!
- Packages – Manage or create subscription packages for your customers, limit everything to by each packages.
- Payment Gateways – Stripe and Paypal for subscription payments. Pay by using Visa, MasterCard, Amex and more!
- Usage Stats – A detailed statistics on user dashboards will allow them to analyze their usage stats. Extensive charts are available in the admin panel.
- Limit Control – Limit everything from api keys, sent sms, received sms, max devices and more!
- API Keys – Let them create different API keys per project, they can also select permissions per api keys.
- Webhooks – Immediately reply to recipients when your receive their message, webhooks allows you to listen for incoming messages.
- RestAPI – Allow your users to integrate their accounts to different systems and languages, an extensive documentation is also included!
- Quick Navigation – Zender is so freaking fast that your users will love staying longer. GTMetrix also returned 100/91 scores when tested for loading speed!
- Smart Widgets – Easily add any block of scripts and html codes to your site. We’ve added a smart feature to allow you easily include them using a one liner code block.
- Theme Settings – Modify theme colors easily, we used scss technology to optimize the stylesheets.
- App Builder – Customize zender gateway application the way you want it, you’ll be able to use your own colors, splashscreen and logo.
- Clean Code – Professional code structure and framework, get the quality that you deserve!
- Well Documented – A well written documentation for web masters, manage your own SaaS easily by your own.
- Many more features! Check our live demo to see more!
- Beautiful – A simple but stunning user interface for the gateway app, astonish your users!
- Light & Fast – A powerful app with just 6mb in size, it can run perfectly on old android devices such as KitKat!
- Quick Register – Register devices on user accounts easily by just scanning a qrcode!
- Smart Recovery – If some errors or problems occured while the gateway is running, our app will amazingly recover from it and restart the service automatically. This efficiently prevents app crash and downtimes.
- Legacy Support – Supports android 4.4 and above, let your users use their old phones for their business.
- Custom Package Name – Your platform apk, branded with your own android apk package name!
- Customize App Icon – Use your own app logo/icon image, our app builder will compile it when building the apk for your platform.
- Customize App Splashscreen – Use your own splashscreen with your logo, our app builder will compile it when building the apk for your platform.
- Customize App Color – Use your own app theme color, our app builder will compile it when building the apk for your platform.
- Integrated API – No need for manual input of your server url in the app, our app builder automatically integrates your server url inside the compiled apk.
- Activity Logger – A terminal logger is also added in the app to allow ease of monitoring of activities when running the gateway.
- Background Service – Zender gateway app can run in the background while you do other things, it can also run while the android phone is sleeping.
- Multiple Account Support – Zender allows multiple registration of one device to different user accounts.
- No Firebase Needed – There’s no need for firebase, we’ve created a smart environment to remove the need of external services such as firebase fcm.
- Server
- Apache
- Apache mod_rewrite
- PHP 7.1.0 or later
- MySQL 5.6 or later
- Extensions
- php-gd
- php-mbstring
- php-intl
- php-zip
- php-curl
- php-xmlreader
- php-bcmath
Zender - Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & use Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS) v3.8.10
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