Pharmacare - Pharmacy Software Made Easy 9.4 NULLED

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Это программное обеспечение NULLED для системы управления аптекой разработано с использованием PHP и платформы Codeigniter. Он спроектирован и разработан для аптеки, магазина лекарств, универмага и магазина лекарств. Легко обрабатывайте все данные своей аптеки. Здесь вы можете управлять всем своим аккаунтом в аптеке, создавать счета, анализировать пользователей и данные, управлять запасами, управлять магазином, историей покупок, историей доходов, торговыми точками и многим другим.

Main Features :​

  • Customer Management Module
  • Supply & Purchase Module
  • One Click Installation
  • Inventory Module
  • Easy Invoicing System
  • Financial Module
  • Product Management Module
  • Fresh and Clean Code
  • Daily, Monthly, Yearly Sales, Profit and Expense Report
  • Due Payment Management
  • Choose Any Currency
  • Medicine, Drugs, Customers, Employees, Clients, supplier and Users management
  • POS (Point of Sale) management
  • Search Medicine, Customer, Purchase, Invoices by Its First Letter
  • Sales Graph
  • Print Invoices
  • Generate Report By Date Range and Many More.

To activate license, put in form any value, (example. xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)

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This NULLED software for drugstore management system is developed using PHP and Codeigniter framework. It is designed and developed for drugstore, medicine store, department store and medicine shop. Handle all your drugstore data easily. Here you can manage your entire drugstore account, create invoices, analyze users and data, manage inventory, manage store, purchase history, revenue history, outlets and much more.

Main Features :​

  • Customer Management Module
  • Supply & Purchase Module
  • One Click Installation
  • Inventory Module
  • Easy Invoicing System
  • Financial Module
  • Product Management Module
  • Fresh and Clean Code
  • Daily, Monthly, Yearly Sales, Profit and Expense Report
  • Due Payment Management
  • Choose Any Currency
  • Medicine, Drugs, Customers, Employees, Clients, supplier and Users management
  • POS (Point of Sale) management
  • Search Medicine, Customer, Purchase, Invoices by Its First Letter
  • Sales Graph
  • Print Invoices
  • Generate Report By Date Range and Many More.

To activate license, put in form any value, (example. xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)

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nice one for use
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