Single Clinic/Hospital Management With Book Appointment website 1.0

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Единый веб-сайт управления клиникой/больницей полезен для обработки всей информации о клинике или больнице, включая поиск врачей, услуги клиники или больницы, отделения в клинике, запись к врачу, проверку галереи клиники/больницы, проверку доступности и множество других функций.
Website Features :-

  • 1. Quick book appointment
  • 2. Department of hospital
  • 3. Facilities in hospital
  • 4. Department wise sorting of doctors
  • 5. Price list of each department services
  • 6. List of all doctor
  • 7. Doctor Features
    • Name and category
    • Star rating of doctor
    • Descriptive details of doctor
    • Availability timing
    • Service list of doctor
    • Book appointment to doctor
    • Chat with doctor
  • 8. Emergency contact number on each department
  • 9. Email contact of department
  • 10. Quick book appointment features
    • Select department
    • Select doctor
    • Select service
    • provide basic contact details
    • book appointment
  • 11. Gallery of clinic/hospital
  • 12. Check photos of each category
  • 13. Health packages
  • 14. Login for user
  • 15. Register for user
  • 16. User features
    • Check upcoming appointment
    • check past appointment
    • Check subscription history
    • Edit profile and profile picture
    • Change password
    • Chat with doctor
    • Add review to doctors
  • 17. Payment gateway integrated
    • Braintree
Admin panel or backend Features

  • 1. Login for Admin
    • List of appointments
    • Add/Edit of doctors
    • List of patients
    • Edit health packages
    • Chat between user and admin
    • Manage gallery and photos
    • Check reviews by user
    • List of Subscription paid by user
    • Manage Facilities
    • Manage Department
    • Send notification
    • Manage payment gateway
  • 2. Login for doctor
    • Dashboard to check today’s appointment
    • chat with user
    • Edit his own profile
    • appointment list
    • check reviews by users
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