Prophecy - An Online Betting Platform System 5.1.0 NULLED

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Prophecy NULLED — это онлайн-система управления предсказаниями. Его можно использовать для угадывания результатов матчей чемпионата мира / турнира в своего рода прогнозе. Игроки соревнуются в угадывании правильного результата какого-либо матча. Футбол, крикет, бейсбол, баскетбол или даже вопросы типа «да/нет», например: выиграет ли Бразилия следующий чемпионат мира. Сначала Пользователю необходимо внести депозит для прогнозирования. Пользователь получит проценты, за которыми следует соотношение.

User Features​

  • Make Pridiction
  • Pridiction Log
  • Transaction Log
  • Deposit Money
  • Deposit Log
  • Withdraw Money
  • Withdraw Log
  • User To User Balance Transfer System
  • Email + SMS Notification
  • Profile Information

Admin Features​

  • Financial Statistics & Information
  • Manage Tournament
  • Manage Event
  • Can See Total Prediction Amount Each Event
  • Can See Closed Event with Total Prediction Amount
  • Prediction Result Manage
  • Make winner
  • List of user Each threat with amount
  • Refund Prediction Amount
  • Single Refund Prediction Amount
  • User Management
  • User Statistics & Reports
  • 12+ Automated Payment Method
  • Mollie Payment Gateway Added
  • Manual Payment/ Bank deposit System Added
  • Complete Payment History
  • Withdraw Request Log
  • Withdraw Report
  • Add Manual Withdraw Method using form Builder
  • Admin Role Permission
  • Can Change Admin Prefix
  • Email + SMS Notification
  • Web Logo, footer, Favicon Can update
  • SEO Setting
  • Charge Control System
  • Slider Manage
  • Blog Manage
  • Testimonial Manage
  • How It Wok Manage
  • FAQ Manage
  • About Us Manage
  • Terms & Condition Manage
  • Privacy Policy Manage
Для активации лицензии введите любое значение (пример: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
После завершения установки вручную импортируйте базу данных из папки SQL.
Данные для входа: admin / admin

hi ive few questions regarding this
is this script have documentation to install it
  • Автор темы
  • Администратор
  • Модер.
  • Команда форума
  • #4
Посмотреть вложение 15286

Prophecy NULLED is an online prediction management system. It can be used to guess the results of World Cup/tournament matches in a kind of prediction. Players compete to guess the correct result of a match. Football, cricket, baseball, basketball or even yes/no questions like will Brazil win the next World Cup. First, the User needs to make a deposit for prediction. The user will receive the percentage followed by the ratio.

User Features​

  • Make Pridiction
  • Pridiction Log
  • Transaction Log
  • Deposit Money
  • Deposit Log
  • Withdraw Money
  • Withdraw Log
  • User To User Balance Transfer System
  • Email + SMS Notification
  • Profile Information

Admin Features​

  • Financial Statistics & Information
  • Manage Tournament
  • Manage Event
  • Can See Total Prediction Amount Each Event
  • Can See Closed Event with Total Prediction Amount
  • Prediction Result Manage
  • Make winner
  • List of user Each threat with amount
  • Refund Prediction Amount
  • Single Refund Prediction Amount
  • User Management
  • User Statistics & Reports
  • 12+ Automated Payment Method
  • Mollie Payment Gateway Added
  • Manual Payment/ Bank deposit System Added
  • Complete Payment History
  • Withdraw Request Log
  • Withdraw Report
  • Add Manual Withdraw Method using form Builder
  • Admin Role Permission
  • Can Change Admin Prefix
  • Email + SMS Notification
  • Web Logo, footer, Favicon Can update
  • SEO Setting
  • Charge Control System
  • Slider Manage
  • Blog Manage
  • Testimonial Manage
  • How It Wok Manage
  • FAQ Manage
  • About Us Manage
  • Terms & Condition Manage
  • Privacy Policy Manage
To activate the license, enter any value (example: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Once the installation is complete, manually import the database from the SQL folder.
Login details: admin / admin

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Thats very good source does it work in SHARED HOST ?
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