DragonByte внимательно следит за вашим форумом, даже когда вас там нет, и имеет возможность предупредить вас о любой подозрительной активности.
DragonByte — идеальный продукт для форумов, которые обеспокоены безопасностью или хотят получать оповещения, когда происходит что-то подозрительное. Благодаря множеству «Наблюдателей за безопасностью», таких как Неудачные входы в систему и Неудачные входы в AdminCP, вы можете настроить различные «уровни» действий, которые будут выполняться при достижении определенных пороговых значений. Например, если кто-то попытается войти в 5 разных учетных записей с одного и того же IP-адреса в течение 1 часа, вы можете предупредить веб-мастера. Если они попытаются открыть 15 учетных записей за 1 час, полностью заблокируйте IP-адрес на вашем форуме.
Срок действия пароля: Срок действия паролей может быть установлен для каждой группы пользователей через X дней. Пользователи будут перенаправлены на экран управления паролями с уведомлением о том, почему им необходимо сменить пароль.
Правила паролей: установите правила для новых паролей для каждой группы пользователей; минимальная длина, должен содержать строчные буквы, должен содержать заглавные буквы, должен содержать цифры, должен содержать символы. Можно даже применить к новым регистрациям, установив разрешения группы пользователей для группы «Незарегистрированные».
Доверие к устройству: постоянное доверие к комбинации устройства и IP-адреса (необязательно; в дополнение к собственному 30-дневному доверию
XenForo), а также возможность отозвать доверие в любое время через страницу двухфакторной аутентификации на странице вашей учетной записи.
Управление сеансами: легко просматривать все устройства, на которых в данный момент выполнен вход в вашу учетную запись (с момента установки этого мода), с возможностью одним щелчком выйти из системы с любых устройств, которые вы не узнаете.
Complete Feature List
- Display Version Number
- Enable Modification
- Reason For Turning The Modification Off
- Block Tor Exit Nodes
- Security Breach Closed Reason
- Security Watcher: Display Limit
- Compromised Account Alert: Limit
- Compromised Account Alert: Alert Staff
- Compromised Account Alert: Lock Account
- Enable File Health Check
- Enable Template Modification Check
- Prune "Admin Strikes Log" (Days)
- Prune "Login Strikes Log" (Days)
- Prune "IP Matcher Log" (Days)
- (Pro) GeoIP2 File Path
Bad Behavior
- Enable Bad Behaviour Detection
- Enable Strict Mode
- Enable Logging
- Enable Verbose Logging
- Disable EU Cookie Exemption
- Exempt Registered Members
- Reverse Proxy
- http:BL API Key
- http:BL Threat Level
- http:BL Maximum Age
Usergroup Permissions
- Minimum Password Length
- Password Requires Lower-case Characters
- Password Requires Upper-case Characters
- Password Requires Numbers
- Password Requires Symbols
- Password Expiry (Days)
Browsable Logs
- Admin Login Strikes: Failed AdminCP Logins
- Login Strikes: Failed Front-End Logins
- Change Log: Edits such as new user groups, deleted user groups, permission changes, etc
- IP Ban Log: IP addresses banned by security watchers
- Compromised Log: Accounts that have been successfully logged in to after a number of failed logins
- Watcher Log: Security watcher triggers
- Fingerprint Log: Users' browser fingerprints
- Filtering / Sorting options
Security Watchers
- General
- config.php Variable Tampering
- Logins
- AdminCP Access Attempts
- Failed Logins
- Failed Mass Logins
- Failed Non-Existent Logins
- Failed Mass Non-Existent Logins
- XenForo Options
- Whitelisted IP Addresses
- Whitelisted IP Addresses - Exclude Super Administrators
- Board is Active
- Inactive Board Message
- User Data
- User Name
- Password
- Email
- Primary Usergroup
- Additional Usergroups
- Receive Admin Emails
- Permissions
- New Usergroup
- Deleted Usergroup
- Forum Permissions
- Admin Permissions
- Fingerprints
- New Device Fingerprints (Member Accounts)
- New Device Fingerprints (Staff Accounts)
Compromised Account Lock
- Ability to lock an account if it's detected as compromised
- Prevents any action on the forum
- The user whose account was logged in to will need to click a link in their email inbox to unlock their account
Compromised Account Alert
- Alert staff when an account has potentially been compromised
Security Watcher: Failed Staff Logins
- Identical to "Failed Logins" watcher, except only for staff accounts
- Allows you to set stricter rules for staff accounts, or optionally only alert the webmaster if a staff account is broken into
- Failed Staff Logins can lock the account in one of two ways; User Unlock or Admin Unlock. Admin Unlock requires an administrator (other than the affected user) to unlock the account.
Search IP Addresses
- By user name
- By IP address
- Depth (searches for other users / other IP addresses as well)
- Search New IPs - This search lets you find whether any user account has been accessed by a new IP address since a specific date
- Find Multi-Account Access IPs - This search lets you find what IP addresses have accessed multiple accounts, if any
- Suspect IP Range Search - Collates IPs from various DB Security logs and matches partial IPs to detect suspicious IP ranges
- Find Potential Intruder IP Addresses - Displays a list of IP addresses who have failed to login to valid member accounts more than once
Country Blocking
- You can now block any country from your forum easily by selecting the country via the new AdminCP page
- Uses XenForo's IP Ban system to ban the IP ranges assigned to each country
Browser Fingerprinting
- You can enable browser fingerprinting and have this logged alongside a member's user ID and IP address
- Used in two new security watchers
- Defaults to off
Manage Settings Backups
- A full "dump" of the current XenForo settings are backed up automatically via a cron job
- Can be manually saved via this page
- Can be loaded via this apge
Forced Password Change
- Forces all users to change password the next time they visit the forum
- Redirects users to the Change Password form in the Account page
- Can be limited to only force password change for users without 2FA enabled
- Can be limited to only force password change for users who have been inactive for X days
Mass Password Reset
- Uses XenForo's own system for generating new random passwords
- Uses XenForo's email template for sending notifications of the reset in order to maximise familiarity for users
- Can be limited to only reset passwords for users without 2FA enabled
- Can be limited to only reset passwords for users who have been inactive for X days
Password Rules
- Per-usergroup password rules
- Length, Lower-case, Upper-case, Numbers, Symbols
- Enforces the rules before the form can be submitted
- Works on Registration and Change Password in the Account page
Trusted Devices Management
- Optionally trust devices permanently when logging in with Two-Factor Authentication
- See a list of all trusted devices in the Two-Factor Authentication page in the "Your Account" page
- Revoke device trust with one click
Session Management
- Track all devices currently logged in to your account
- See a list of all currently logged devices in a new Login Sessions page in the "Your Account" page
- Force a device to log out with one click
- Only works with devices that have accessed the forum since installing the mod, but does not require logout/login
Login Failure Response
- Login failures are modified to give the same response if the user name or password is wrong
- Helps prevent brute forcing by not giving attackers an indication of what accounts are valid
Template Alterations
- Optionally receive an email when a template is altered
- Includes direct link to view the template history
- Shows a diff similar to the template history
- Can be toggled in the Options for this mod
Tor Exit Node Blocking
- Optionally block Tor exit nodes
- List of exit nodes for your site is updated via a cron job
- Can be toggled in the Options for this mod
[DBTech] DragonByte Security 4.7.0