Perfex - Powerful Open Source CRM

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Hello, but this is not nulled - it will need purchase code in case installing addons - right?
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Perfex CRM - новая версия системы для управления проектами и клиентами, что является отличным вариантом для любой компании, фрилансера и т.д. Perfex CRM повысит уровень вашего бизнеса и выделит вас на фоне ваших конкурентов.

CRM должна ориентироваться на клиентов, а Perfex CRM делает это с помощью мощной системы поддержки, которая помогает вам быстро отслеживать и решать проблемы с помощью интегрированной системы заявок и напоминаний клиентам. Назначьте напоминания себе, одному или нескольким сотрудникам, и одним щелчком мыши напоминания можно отправлять на электронную почту и в систему уведомлений в приложении. Эти функции и многое другое могут поднять удовлетворенность клиентов на новый уровень.

  • New UI for admin area, customers area, and external forms
  • Improved custom fields of type date and number sort when displayed on a table
  • Improved: Make milestone modal static to prevent losing changes
  • Improved: Number to word feature for Indian numbers
  • Added additional contracts filters
  • Add client website merge field
  • Add project proposals to project settings features
  • Add tickets widgets average reply column
  • Ensure payment notification redirects to payment edit view
  • Update hook before_update_task to be triggered before any changes are saved
  • Fix payment mode update modal showing HTML code instead description
  • Fix estimate items custom fields not validated
  • Fix estimate client select not refreshed
  • Fix calendar breaks on custom themes
  • Fix shipping details not showing vat and phone
  • Fix e-signature signature not working on Safari
  • Fix new lead button not clickable on “sm” viewport
  • Fix contract marked as signed or signed show red table background
  • Fix incorrect currency when converting proposal with project
  • Fix support ticket menu not possible to hide via menu setup
  • Fix currency symbol position on leads table
  • Fix incorrect amount in payment recorded email when batch payment is recorded
  • Fix support ticket validation message locale when passing custom language
  • Fix “set password” email is not being triggered when leads are converted to client
  • Fix number to word language on PDF no respecting loaded language
  • Fix bug where download projects files return empty zip
  • Fixed Paypal popup not opening when invoice billing address does not have country
  • Fix Stripe subscription status not updated
  • Minor fixes
  • Additional hooks added

Updating to version 3.0.0​

Fontawesome icons library​

The FontAwesome icons library has been updated to version 6, there is a compatibility v4 font file included, however, not all icons that were available in version 4 exist in version 6.

If you’ve used any custom icons in your Perfex CRM installation and now they are not shown correctly, make sure to update them and use icons from Fontawesome v6 (regular, solid, and brand icons free version).

Removed menu setup module menu icon picker​

Now when Perfex CRM uses FontAwesome icons v6, the icon picker is no longer compatible.

If you’ve used the icon picker to use a custom icon on the main or setup menu items, you no longer will be able to choose icons, however, you can still add the FontAwesome v6 icon manually in the icon field.

Note that if some icons that you have selected before are not shown properly, you will need to manually update them in Setup->Menu Setup-> Main Menu/Setup Menu and use v6 icons.

Custom customers area theme​

If you are using a custom theme for the customers area, some icons may not be displayed properly, however, your theme will work as expected using the current theme UI.

my_ prefixed files​

Perfex CRM version 3 comes with a new UI and a lot of changes in CSS as well as the HTML markup, if you are using my_ prefixed files, in some cases, depending on the file, the UI may not be displayed properly, we do recommend checking all your my_ prefixed file in case the UI is not aligned well on your installation.

To check all my_ prefixed files your installation uses, you can navigate to Setup->Settings-> System Info

Compatibility with third-party modules​

After you perform the update, if you have installed third-party modules the module UI may not be 100% compatible with the new Perfex CRM UI, if needed, please be patient and wait for the authors to update their modules.

Although we tried our best to avoid making changes that will fully break modules, we cannot guarantee that all modules will work properly after the update.

Please note that Perfex CRM version 3.0, won’t break any module functionality, it’s just that you will be able to see some imperfections and content misalignments in the UI of the module as well as some missing icons.

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Perfex - Powerful Open Source CRM 3.0.2​

November 4, 2022

  • Fixed an error with the invoice number exist
  • Fixed invoices report not displayed in sales report
  • Fixed item description not displayed properly when adding item to transaction
  • Properly align ReCaptcha on the admin login area
  • Resolvd TCPDF PHP 8.1 division by zero warning
  • Removed top margin from sidebar logo
  • Responsive fixes
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Perfex - Powerful Open Source CRM + ADDONS 3.0.4​

Version 3.0.4​

/Changelog /Version 3.0.4
  • Add the ability to specify lead source and status on lead import
  • Fixed an issue where the sidebar cannot be toggled when RTL is active
  • When an issue where the header is not displayed properly when RTL is active
  • Fixed incorrect active contracts summary count
  • Fixed undefined index PHP notice when form does not have a label
  • Fixed an issue where the update settings page is not opening on specific PHP versions
  • Fixed checkbox field outline on Firefox
  • Fixed overdue tasks not marked as red on the tasks table
  • Fixed amount discount field not visible on laptops
  • Fixed task checklist items icons not responsive
  • Fixed custom fields alignment when using multiple columns width
  • Update top started timer icon to spin slower
  • Removed the transition of the sidebar
  • Responsive improvements

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Perfex - Powerful Open Source CRM + Premium Add-ons 3.0.5​

Version 3.0.5​

May 23, 2023 Changelog
  • Add Microsoft mail engine via OAuth 2
  • Add Google mail engine OAuth 2
  • Add php 8.2 support
  • Add Contract sign reminder feature
  • Add Inter font CSS locally
  • Add payment gateway fee calculation for chosen payment gateways
  • Add permission for contracts and proposals templates
  • Add ability to clear session table via system info
  • Automatically assign logged-in staff as a sale agent
  • Updated: Remove allow-scripts from iframe examples
  • Updated: Remember all contacts contracts and cc a contract is sent to
  • Updated: Ensure contract reminder is only sent to notified contacts
  • Updated: Ensure the task new checklist is always at the bottom
  • Updated: Google Drive picker feature
  • Ensure the subscription’s last sent date is properly updated
  • Improve user display on tables
  • Fix taxes dropdown not loaded correctly on specific servers
  • Fix batch payment modal
  • Fix hyperlink custom fields import
  • Fix the main menu height in the admin area
  • Fix num to word Indian rupee
  • Fix padding on table checkboxes
  • Fix forms tabs not responsive
  • Fix TinyMCE not loading properly Norwegian language
  • Fix: 2factor auth is disabled when the staff profile is updated
  • Fix terms and policy links not opening in the form’s iframe
  • Fix warning when viewing a new empty contract
  • Fix template content not inserted properly
  • Fix theme style not applied to todo/notification icons.
  • Fix leads kanban tags search
  • Fix sidebar toggle not working on iPad

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  • Мне нравиться
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Perfex - Powerful Open Source CRM + Premium Add-ons 3.1.4​

Version 3.1.3-3.1.4​

February 18, 2024
  • Add filter by members to the project table
  • Fix company info not displayed
  • Fix project milestones background not applied
  • Fixed cannot open proposal and estimate from pipeline
  • Fix new lines not applied in the timesheet report note
  • Fix auto importing tickets via IMAP not working
  • Fix some dates not properly formatted
  • Fix item description new lines not applied
  • Fix redirect not working on specific PHP builds


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Can you share the list of addons that are included
BTW, Thanks for sharing
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