
  1. Itnull

    [XF 2.x] [DigitalPoint] Security

    Compatible XF Versions 2.0 , 2.1 , 2.2 , 2.3 Support for Passkeys(also known as WebAuthn / FIDO2 security keys) as two-step authentication (hardware devices such as YubiKeys are what large tech companies such as Google require their employees to use to keep their accounts secure). Support for...
  2. Itnull

    [XF 2.x] [DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

    Compatible XF 2.x versions 2.2 2.3 Additional requirements Recommended to have PHP Sodium extension installed (but not required)...
  3. Itnull

    [XF 2.x] [DigitalPoint] PWA

    This addon adds a few things that I felt were missing from XenForo's PWA app: If the user that is installing the PWA app is logged in, auto-log them into the PWA app (don't need to force users to log-in from scratch when they first load the installed app). Use Sec-Fetch-Site header as...
  4. Itnull

    [XF 2.x] [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    Обновление Идентификатор опции Cloudflare Fonts изменился. Это решает эту проблему (это то, что я получаю за предоставление возможности переключать параметры, которые Cloudflare считает «бета»… они могут быть изменены). Добавлена проверка работоспособности, поэтому, если в будущем...
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